Marshmallow officinalis

Popular names: mallow, marshmallow, kalachiki, wild rose.

Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.)Perennial herbaceous plant of the Malvaceae family (Malvaceae), up to 150 cm high. The rhizome is short, thin, many-headed, with a large woody main root and numerous fleshy and thick lateral roots. Stems few, not often solitary, erect, cylindrical, slightly branched in inflorescences, dirty purple at the base, glabrous, strongly pubescent in the upper part. The lower leaves are rounded or reniform, traditionally dying off by the time of flowering, the middle ones are rounded or ovate, slightly lobed or almost entire, with a rounded or slightly heart-shaped base; upper – whole, oblong-ovate, pointed. All leaves are unevenly crenate-toothed, slightly pubescent above, densely pubescent below. Flowers with a whitish or pink corolla and a double calyx. Crowded in large numbers on short pedicels, sitting on common peduncles located in the axils of the upper leaves and forming a kind of spike-shaped inflorescence. The fruit is a flat, disc-shaped fractional polysemyanka, in a mature state, decomposing into 15-25 one-seeded kidney-shaped fruitlets. Seeds are smooth, dark gray. The mass of 1000 seeds is 2.0-2.7 g. Marshmallow blooms from the second year, in June – early August, the fruits ripen in August – October. Propagated mainly by seeds. Distributed in Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, the Volga region, Central Asia, Eastern and Western Siberia. Grows in meadows, mostly solonetzic and solonchak, in floodplains, among bushes, along the banks of lakes, irrigation canals, in the steppe depressions. There is information about the poisonousness of the plant. Even in ancient times, marshmallows were known and valued as a medicinal plant. The name itself speaks of its medicinal properties (from the Greek althaca to heal). Marshmallow has been used since the 9th century BC. It is mentioned by Theophrastus, Dioscorides and Pliny. Marshmallow was cultivated in ancient Rome, grown in monastery gardens.


Medicinal raw materials are roots (Radix Althaeae). Harvest them in the fall after the drying of the stems or in early spring. Harvesting should be carried out selectively, leaving up to 30% of plants for the restoration of thickets. Subject to the harvesting rules, the Althea thickets are restored after 3-4 years, after which repeated harvesting is possible on them. They dig up the roots with shovels, and in extensive thickets with plows. Then they are freed from the ground, the stems, the capitate parts of the rhizomes and the main taproot, traditionally woody, unsuitable for use, are removed. Non-lignified roots are washed, slightly dried, cut into pieces 30-35 cm long (thick fleshy ones are split lengthwise into 2-4 parts). To obtain purified raw materials, a gray cork is scraped off from the roots with a knife. Immediately after processing, the raw materials are dried, laying them out loosely, thin layer on nets or stretched panels. Drying is best done with artificial heating in ventilated rooms or in special dryers at a temperature of 45-50 ° C and good ventilation. When roots are dried in air, raw materials containing a lot of starch traditionally quickly rot and become moldy. Well-dried roots break with a crack. The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years. The whole plant is odorless, the taste is sweetish-tart.


Marshmallow root is a typical representative of mucus remedies, in terms of the content of active compounds it is almost equivalent in this respect to flax seeds. Facilitates spontaneous tissue regeneration, reduces inflammation. Acting as a protector, softens dense inflammatory plaque. Has expectorant action. An aqueous extract of marshmallow root, taken orally in a sufficiently large dose, has an enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa. Its protective effect is the more effective and longer, the higher the acidity of gastric juice, since the viscosity of mucus increases when it comes into contact with hydrochloric acid released during gastric secretion.


Roots. Powder, infusion and syrup – as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent for respiratory diseases and as part of chest collections. The syrup is also used to correct the taste of medicines and in cough mixtures used in pediatrics. In folk medicine, infusion and decoction – for tuberculosis, cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, for washing eyes with blepharitis; for the treatment of gastritis, enterocolitis, cystitis, diarrhea; to eliminate irritation during inflammatory and ulcerative processes of the mucous membranes and as a means of slowing down the absorption of various soluble drugs. Also for tumors, burns, dermatomycosis, furunculosis and for the treatment of pustular skin diseases. In Azerbaijan – for the treatment of scabies and allergic dermatoses, in Tajikistan – emetic. Aboveground part. Received the product “Mukaltin” – for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchiectasis. Juice – for diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tuberculosis, cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma), gastritis, cystitis, diarrhea; externally – with blepharitis for washing the eyes, tumors, burns, ringworm, furunculosis, pustular skin diseases. Leaves. In folk medicine, a decoction is used, like the root, as an emollient, enveloping agent for bronchitis and enterocolitis; externally – in the form of gargles for the throat, enemas, poultices; infusion – for acute enterocolitis. Flowers. Decoction and infusion are used in the same way as the root. In Azerbaijan – tea for coughs and colds. Poultices – with tumors. ringworm, furunculosis, pustular skin diseases. Leaves. In folk medicine, a decoction is used, like the root, as an emollient, enveloping agent for bronchitis and enterocolitis; externally – in the form of gargles for the throat, enemas, poultices; infusion – for acute enterocolitis. Flowers. Decoction and infusion are used in the same way as the root. In Azerbaijan – tea for coughs and colds. Poultices – with tumors. ringworm, furunculosis, pustular skin diseases. Leaves. In folk medicine, a decoction is used, like the root, as an emollient, enveloping agent for bronchitis and enterocolitis; externally – in the form of gargles for the throat, enemas, poultices; infusion – for acute enterocolitis. Flowers. Decoction and infusion are used in the same way as the root. In Azerbaijan – tea for coughs and colds. Poultices – with tumors.


A decoction of marshmallow root (Decoctum radicis Althaeae): 6 g (2 tablespoons) of the raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, poured into 200 ml of hot boiled water, covered with a lid and heated in boiling water (in a water bath) for 30 minutes, cooled at room temperature for 10 min, strain. The remaining raw material is squeezed out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Taken hot, 1/3-1/2 cup 3-4 times every day after meals. Marshmallow root infusion (Infusum radicis Althaeae) is a clear, yellowish color, mucous in taste, with a slight peculiar odor liquid. Finely cut root, with particles no more than 3 mm, in the amount of 6.5 g, pour 100 ml of water at room temperature, leave for 1 hour. Take 1 tablespoon after 2 hours. Dry marshmallow root extract (Extractum Althaeae siccum) – a grayish-yellow powder, a peculiar sweetish taste. Liquid marshmallow root extract (Extractum Althaeae fluidum) – a thick liquid of dark amber color, a peculiar sweet taste, almost odorless. Althaea syrup (Sirupus Althaeae ) consists of dry marshmallow root extract (2 parts), sugar syrup (98 parts). It is a clear yellowish liquid with a peculiar sweet taste. Used in potions to improve taste and as a coating. Mucaltinum (Mucaltinum) is a mixture of polysaccharides (dry mucus) from the marshmallow herb. Greenish tablets contain 0.05 g of mucaltin, 0.087 g of sodium bicarbonate and 0.16 g of tartaric acid. Assign 1-2 tablets per reception before meals. The indications are the same as for all marshmallow root products. Paracodin (Paracodin) – a product of production of Germany. 5 ml syrup (1 teaspoon) contains 12 mg dehydrocodeine tartrate, 60.5 mg marshmallow liquid extract and 90.7 mg grindelia liquid extract. The drug has a more pronounced antitussive effect than codeine. It is also an expectorant and analgesic. The drug suppresses not only cough, but also all the pain that occurs in the respiratory tract. Produced in the form of syrup in bottles of 100 ml. It is used for coughing resulting from irritation of the mucous membrane in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, coughing with emphysema and pulmonary tuberculosis. Adults are prescribed 1-2 teaspoons of paracodin syrup 3 times every day; children aged 4 to 12 months – 1/4 teaspoon 3 times every day; young children – 1/4-1/2 teaspoon; older children – 1/2-1 teaspoon. SIDE EFFECT: Newborns and toddlers may experience constipation. With caution, the product should be prescribed to people with diabetes, since 1 teaspoon of syrup contains approximately 1 g of glucose. CONTRAINDICATIONS: impaired respiratory function of the lungs, persistent chronic constipation, in the first months of pregnancy. Dry cough mixture for babies (Mixtura sicca contra tussim pro infantibus). Ingredients: dry marshmallow root extract – 4 g, sodium bicarbonate and sodium benzoate – 2 g each, dry licorice root extract – 1 g, ammonium chloride – 0.5 g, anise oil – 0.05 g, sugar – 10 g Burovato – gray powder with the smell of anise oil. An aqueous solution (1:10) is brown. It is used as an expectorant and antitussive. Thoracic collection No. 1 (Species pectorales No. 1): marshmallow roots and coltsfoot leaves – 2 parts each, oregano herbs – 1 part. Prepare an infusion of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 200 ml of water. Insist 20 minutes, then filter. Take in the form of heat 1/2 cup 3-4 times every day after meals. Collection of chest No. 2 (Species pectorales No. 2): marshmallow roots, licorice roots, elecampane roots – 1 part each. Prepare a decoction of 2 teaspoons of the mixture in 200 ml of water. It is taken warm in 1/2 cup every 3 hours. Breast collection No. 3 (Species pectorales No. 3): crushed marshmallow root and crushed licorice root – 28.8 g each, sage leaves, anise fruits and crushed pine buds – each 14.4 g. Method of application – see. marshmallow roots and coltsfoot leaves – 2 parts each, oregano herbs – 1 part. Prepare an infusion of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 200 ml of water. Insist 20 minutes, then filter. Take in the form of heat 1/2 cup 3-4 times every day after meals. Collection of chest No. 2 (Species pectorales No. 2): marshmallow roots, licorice roots, elecampane roots – 1 part each. Prepare a decoction of 2 teaspoons of the mixture in 200 ml of water. It is taken warm in 1/2 cup every 3 hours. Breast collection No. 3 (Species pectorales No. 3): crushed marshmallow root and crushed licorice root – 28.8 g each, sage leaves, anise fruits and crushed pine buds – each 14.4 g. Method of application – see. marshmallow roots and coltsfoot leaves – 2 parts each, oregano herbs – 1 part. Prepare an infusion of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per 200 ml of water. Insist 20 minutes, then filter. Take in the form of heat 1/2 cup 3-4 times every day after meals. Collection of chest No. 2 (Species pectorales No. 2): marshmallow roots, licorice roots, elecampane roots – 1 part each. Prepare a decoction of 2 teaspoons of the mixture in 200 ml of water. It is taken warm in 1/2 cup every 3 hours. Breast collection No. 3 (Species pectorales No. 3): crushed marshmallow root and crushed licorice root – 28.8 g each, sage leaves, anise fruits and crushed pine buds – each 14.4 g. Method of application – see. Take in the form of heat 1/2 cup 3-4 times every day after meals. Collection of chest No. 2 (Species pectorales No. 2): marshmallow roots, licorice roots, elecampane roots – 1 part each. Prepare a decoction of 2 teaspoons of the mixture in 200 ml of water. It is taken warm in 1/2 cup every 3 hours. Breast collection No. 3 (Species pectorales No. 3): crushed marshmallow root and crushed licorice root – 28.8 g each, sage leaves, anise fruits and crushed pine buds – each 14.4 g. Method of application – see. Take in the form of heat 1/2 cup 3-4 times every day after meals. Collection of chest No. 2 (Species pectorales No. 2): marshmallow roots, licorice roots, elecampane roots – 1 part each. Prepare a decoction of 2 teaspoons of the mixture in 200 ml of water. It is taken warm in 1/2 cup every 3 hours. Breast collection No. 3 (Species pectorales No. 3): crushed marshmallow root and crushed licorice root – 28.8 g each, sage leaves, anise fruits and crushed pine buds – each 14.4 g. Method of application – see.Breast collection No. 1. Other breast collections are also produced, which include marshmallow officinalis.♦ Marshmallow juice. Use the aerial part of the plant, collected during flowering. Take 1 tablespoon (mixed with honey) 3 times daily as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent.


The roots are edible raw and boiled, they can be used to make milk porridge, jelly. When ground, they can be used as an admixture for bread. Roots in veterinary medicine – with inflammation of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, to reduce the local action of irritating substances. Suitable for making glue. The stems contain up to 10-13% strong fiber suitable for making ropes and rough paper. In Sardinia, it is grown as a bast crop. Flowers dye wool red, mordant – bluish-black, gray and dark purple. Fatty oil from fruits is used in paint and varnish production. Honey plant. Decorative. Cultivated in Ukraine, Moldova, North Caucasus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, France, India, USA. In Sri Lanka, it is grown as a vegetable plant (leaves).


Prefers light, moist soils with shallow groundwater. The best predecessors are busy fallow, fodder and vegetable crops. When cultivating it, the soil is plowed to a depth of 25-28 cm. For sowing, 1-2-year-old seeds are used, previously dried to a loose state. To increase field germination before sowing, they are soaked for a day in water at a temperature of 20-25°C. Seeds are sown in early spring or before winter in rows with row spacing 70 cm wide to a depth of 1.5-2 cm (on light soils – 3-4 cm). After germination, the plants are thinned out, leaving 8-10 pcs. per 1 m 2 . Sometimes marshmallows are propagated by dividing rhizomes or seedlings. Productivity in culture of dry roots – 10-25 c/hectare.