Kіnsky chasnik petiolate – spadefoot officinalis

petiolate ( Аllіaria petiolata); chasnikova grass; medicinal spadefoot


Dvorіchna grass’yanista roslina of the homeland of cabbages (Chrestotsvitih). Stem 25-100 cm, pinnate, erect, sparsely ruffled, naked, below – sparsely hairy. Leaves with a bluish veil, whole; prikorenevi – ovoid-heart-shaped; upper – ovoid-tricot, short-petiolate. The flowers are two-state, correct, 4-pelustkov, white, at the top of the whale-shaped succulents. Plid – pod. The color of the room is red.

Width. Growth throughout the territory of Ukraine in leafy and mixed forests, in chagars, like weeds in gardens and parks.

Sirovina. Vykoristovuyut nasіnnya і leaves, zіbrane pіd іd аn hour tsvіtіnnya roslini.

Roslina is unofficial.

Chemical warehouse . Leaflets should be used for glycoside sinigrin, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, resins. For now, revenge is close to 30% of the mustard oil.

Pharmacological power and victory . Nastіy herbs live in bronchial asthma, carry-overs and as anthelmintic infections. Tovchene nasіnnya іnоdі vykoristovuyut zamіst gіrchichnіv.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya . Internally – herbs (1 teaspoon of herbs per 200 ml of dill, infuse until chilled), 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.