Homeland Barvinkovі – Apocynaceae

How do you look? Herbaceous evergreen roslin. The stem is recumbent, up to 60 cm long, self-rooted. The leaves are opposite spruce-shaped, shkiryasti, bliskuch. Flowers dark-blaky, single, axillary, on short flowers. Flowers in grass – red.

De growth? In the Carpathians, Roztochchi-Opіllі, on Zahidny Polissі, in Lysostep, in Stepa (on the way). Widening is important in the Right-bank Ukraine, as well as in the Poltava region and in the Crimea – in oak, oak-hornbeam, more commonly in oak-beech forests, cultivated in flower gardens.

What and when to take? Leaves under the hour of blooming growth.

When to stall? With hypertensive illness, tachycardia. Reduce the blood pressure, there is a head bіl, exultantly carry it, raise the blood. In case of weakness, boil 20 g of herb periwinkle with flowers on a small half-moon at 250 ml of the burner and live in 8 drops of birch per day (at the beginning of the evening) for 4 days. If anyone wants to break a two-day break and live again.

In case of hypertension, boil 1 tablespoon of detailed leaflets in 1 bottle, drink 20 quills, drink with spoons, drink for doba.

Zovnishno zastosovuyt for rinsing the mouth with inflamed mucous membranes, tsinzi, bleeding, with stinging visips on the skin. The jubilant diya of the growth is explained by the great difference in the presence of alkaloids: izovinkamіnu, vinazid, pubestsin, minorina; wine-well. Alkaloids, which are found in periwinkle erysipelas (Vjnca rosea L. – Java Island, we have catharanthus on the subcontinent), vincristine and vinblastine, show anti-tumor activity in lymphograpulomatosis and myeloid and lymphoid leukemia.