Aloe tree-like – scarlet tree-like (veterinary practice)

Name: Aloe tree-like – scarlet tree-like (veterinary practice)

Aloe treelike -aloe arborescens mill.


Botanical characteristic. Lily family. An evergreen tree-like plant up to 1 m high. The root is straight, long branched. The stem is erect, fleshy, juicy, branched, abundantly covered with leaves. The leaves are alternate, juicy, fleshy, greenish-gray, xiphoid, somewhat concave on the upper side, convex below, up to 50 cm long, with large cartilaginous teeth along the edges. Inflorescence -cylindrical raceme, orange flowers. The fruit is a capsule with numerous seeds.

Spreading. Aloe is native to South Africa. We cultivate in the coastal part of the Adjara ASSR.

Medicinal raw materials – fresh leaves. As they grow, they are cut off at the very base, pressed, squeezing juice out of them. The latter is evaporated to a dry state, that is, to the required hardness of the finished product, which is known in practice as sabur. This is a condensed and hardened juice of aloe leaves, dark brown in color, bitter in taste and peculiar in smell.

Chemical composition. The plant has been little studied. It contains glycosidic compounds – anthraglycosides, mixtures of which are called aloins. Aloe-emodin was isolated from aloe arborescens.

pharmacological properties.The healing properties of sabur have been known since time immemorial. Several thousand years ago it was used by the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians. After ingestion, under the influence of bile and intestinal enzymes, sabur anthraglycosides break down with the release of emodin and aloin. This does not happen immediately, but after 12-16 hours, which determines the main effect of sabur on the large intestine. The latter irritate the receptors of the intestinal mucosa and reflexively cause an increase in peristalsis, secretion, which is also a favorable condition that contributes to the promotion of food masses. There is a laxative effect. Due to irritation of the intestinal wall, its hyperemia develops and vasodilation occurs, including the vessels of the mesentery. This in turn can have a contractile effect on the uterus. Therefore, during pregnancy

The product can be re-appointed no earlier than 3-5 days later. Very large doses of sabur can even be fatal.

In small doses, sabur acts as a bitter, activates the secretion of the glands of the stomach and intestines, improves appetite and enhances digestion, especially in horses. In ruminants, it irritates sensitive nerve endings in the proventriculus, which gives reason to prescribe it as a ruminator. The irritating effect also begins when Sabur is applied to the wound surface. In the form of a tincture, it effectively promotes the growth of granulations.

Note. Sabur is one of the best laxatives for horses with diseases of the large intestine (constipation, blockages, accumulation of gases, chronic colic). Cattle are less sensitive to this product. Sabur is recommended as a means of improving digestion, as a choleretic agent for diseases of the liver and bile ducts, as a ruminator (cattle 20-40 g, small ruminants 5-12 g) with timpania, overflow of the rumen with feed, etc. As a result of this that sabur causes a rush of blood to the intestinal vessels, it is used to reduce blood flow to other organs in diseases such as meningitis, pleuropneumonia, rheumatic inflammation of the hooves, etc.

Sabur is prescribed traditionally in the form of boluses (cooked with green soap), but sometimes in the form of porridges in combination with other laxatives or mixtures. To speed up the action of sabur, animals are given plenty of water.

Doses laxative and choleretic: horses 20-35 g, cattle 25-40, small ruminants 10-15 g, pigs 5-10, dogs 0.5-3 g; to increase appetite and improve digestion: horses 2-5, cattle 5-10, sheep 1-5, pigs 1-2, dogs 0.1-0.5 g.

According to the method of Academician V.P. Filatov, an extract for subcutaneous injections is prepared from aloe leaves, containing biologically active substances (biogenic stimulants). When administered parenterally, it increases the body’s defenses, tones the nervous system, accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers. This improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, restores and improves the general condition of the animal. Aloe extract is used to treat long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers, chronic skin diseases, paresis and paralysis. It is contraindicated in acute gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, in the post-pregnancy period. Doses subcutaneously: horses and cattle 1 ml per 100 kg of body weight, calves, sheep and pigs 0.1 ml per 10 kg body weight 1 time every day for 2-3 weeks, then every other day.

Calf weighing 100 kg Rp.: Extr. Aloes fluidi 1.0 D. td N 10 in ampullis S. 1 ml subcutaneously (biogenic stimulant).

Aloe extract liquid – Extractum Aloes. Aqueous extract of crushed canned aloe leaves for internal use. The indications are the same as for the extract for injection.

Coated aloe tablets – Tabulettae Aloes abductae. Contain 0.05 g of crushed canned aloe tree leaf.

Aloe liniment – Linimentum Aloes. Homogeneous creamy mass of white or light cream color. It is recommended externally for burns, for the prevention and treatment of skin lesions during radiation therapy. On the affected surface, the liniment is applied in a thin layer 2-3 times a day and covered with a gauze napkin.

Aloe juice – Succus Aloes. Slightly cloudy light orange liquid, bitter taste. Under the influence of light and air darkens. Applied externally in the form of lotions or irrigation in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns.

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