
Eclampsia is a form of high blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy. This is the last and most severe phase of preeclampsia, and it occurs in the absence of adequate treatment.

Causes of eclampsia

The exact underlying cause of preeclampsia and eclampsia is unknown, although some researchers point to poor nutrition, high levels of body fat, or insufficient blood flow to the uterus as possible causes.

The main symptoms of eclampsia

The most characteristic sign of eclampsia is seizures with loss of consciousness, not associated with any other cerebral pathology (for example, epilepsy or cerebral hemorrhage). Typically, a seizure is preceded by the following symptoms: headache, pain in the epigastric region, nephropathy. Also, the disease is accompanied by symptoms of preeclampsia.

Treatment of eclampsia

Immediate delivery may be required despite the period of pregnancy, as delay is fraught with death. Before and after delivery, the following treatments are also used:

  • ensuring the strictest rest, eliminating visual, auditory, tactile and pain sensations.
  • elimination of vascular spasm leading to arterial hypertension.
  • dehydration therapy, which increases diuresis and prevents cerebral edema.
  • oxygen therapy – inhalation of oxygen