Acebutolol (Acebutolol)


Indications for use:
Angina pectoris. Hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure).

Pharmacological action:
A cardioselective beta-blocker (selectively blocking beta! adrenoreceptors of the heart), which has its own sympathomimetic (prevents slowdown in heart rate, which develops as a result of blockade of beta! adrenoreceptors of the heart) and membrane stabilizing (normalizes the physiological state of the membrane of the heart cells) activity.
It has an antianginal (anti-ischemic) effect. It has a hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) effect, which manifests itself after 2-5 days and maximum after 3-4 weeks. At the same time, it reduces the stroke and minute volume without increasing the total peripheral resistance.

Acebutolol (Acebutolol) method of administration and dose:
Usually prescribed 400 mg 1-2 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 800 mg.

Acebutolol (Acebutolol) contraindications:
Absolute contraindications are atrioventricular block II-III degree; severe bradycardia (less than 50 beats per minute), chronic heart failure in the stage of compensation, pregnancy and lactation. Relative contraindications – bronchial asthma, simultaneous use with amiodarone.

Acebutolol (Acebutolol) side effects:
Raynaud’s syndrome (narrowing of the lumen of the vessels of the extremities), infrequently – manifestation of signs of heart failure; atrioventricular blockade (violation of the conduction of excitation through the conduction system of the heart); severe bradycardia (rare pulse), a sharp drop in blood pressure. Paresthesia (feeling of numbness) of the limbs, asthenia (weakness). Rarely – bronchospasm (sharp narrowing of the bronchial lumen), status asthmaticus (protracted attack of bronchial asthma, not amenable to treatment with medications usually taken by the patient). Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels), skin reactions.

Release form:
Ampoules of 0.5% solution of 5 ml (25 mg); tablets of 200 and 400 mg.


Storage conditions:
List B. In a place protected from light.

Before using the medication“Acebutolol (Acebutolol)” must be consulted with a doctor.
The instructions are provided solely for familiarization with “Acebutolol (Acebutolol) ».