Meadowsweet meadowsweet is a herbaceous perennial from the Rosaceae family. Other names: meadowsweet, whitehead, wet raspberry, honeydew.
Tall perennial herbaceous plant with a strong, straight, branched stem at the top. The leaves are glabrous, dark green, finely white-tomentose below, intermittently pinnately divided with 2-3 pairs of pointed, unequally bitoothed leaflets. Flowers in large dense paniculate inflorescences, on short fluffy twigs, white, fragrant; fruitlets spirally twisted. Blooms in June-July. Meadowsweet grows in wet meadows, along the outskirts of swamps, in shrubs, alder forests.
Medicinal use:
A decoction of inflorescences or roots is drunk for hypertension, diseases of the nervous system; root, infused with vodka, is used for nervous diseases; powdered flowers fall asleep wounds, burns, from the delicacy of the legs; for eczema, mix flower powder with fat obtained from fresh river fish, and lubricate the affected areas with this ointment; the flowers are believed to repel snakes; from dropsy, rabies, sore throat, aches, snake bites; flowers are applied to wounds, burns; from malaria; decoction of tavogli wash the head for hair growth.