Coppice noble

Noble copse (Hepatica nobilis Schreb. L.)

Noble copse is a perennial plant from the Ranunculaceae family. Other names: noble liverwort, blueberry


One of the earliest flowering spring plants. Flowers appearing before leaves, one on fluffy peduncles, with three calyx-shaped leaves and 6 blue-violet leaves within the flower bed; the leaves are three-lobed, densely covered with hairs when young, later they are leathery, remain green even in winter under snow. Coppice blooms in April-May, sometimes blooms as early as March. Coppice noble grows in deciduous and mixed forests, along coastal slopes, in shrubs. Occurs frequently.

Contains active substances:

In the fresh grass of the coppice there is protoanemonin, in the dry – anemonin.

Medicinal use:

A decoction of copses flowers is used for jaundice, fever, scrofula, cough, headache; fresh grass is given to cattle from anthrax, the eyes are washed. Noble copse is official in homeopathy, it is used for chronic bronchitis.