Three-part series – three-part series (harvesting and storage)

is a series of tripartite, popular names – strіchki, dogs, vovchki, prichepa, dog turnips, turytsya, etc.


Compositae family – Asteraceae (Compositae).

The herb is used for medicinal purposes.

Found throughout Ukraine. Grows in swamps, wet meadows, but on the banks of rivers and streams, in alder and other sparse forests and thickets, sometimes as a weed in wet places in vegetable gardens and fields. Often forms large

thickets. Industrial harvesting is expedient in Polissya and in the forest-steppe regions.

The reserves of raw materials are large (hundreds of tons of grass can be harvested annually), but due to the drying of excessively moist soils, they are gradually decreasing. Average annual harvesting of grass in the republic in 1974-1976 amounted to 167 tons.

A series of tripartite – an annual herbaceous plant. Roots are taproot, vertical, highly branched. The stem is single, cylindrical, 15-200 cm high, branched from the base when growing alone, branched only in the upper part when the plants are densely planted. The branches are opposite, the leaves are also opposite. Flowers in flat baskets, single or collected 2-3 at the tops of the stem and branches. Wrapping baskets bell-shaped, two-row; the outer row consists of leaf-like bracts that are longer than the basket, the inner row consists of short reddish bracts with a membranous margin. The fruits are achenes 6-8 mm long, obovate, flattened or trihedral at the top. The plant blooms in July – August. The fruits ripen in September.

Along with the tripartite string, other types of string are often found, the raw materials of which should not be harvested. Sometimes they falsely collect the grass of the cannabis plant, the leaves of which are a bit like the leaves of a tripartite sequence. A number of external signs makes it possible to distinguish these plants.

Grass is harvested before flowering (June-August), cutting off the tops of shoots 10-15 cm long with a knife or sickle.

Dry it in attics under an iron roof or under sheds with good ventilation, spreading a layer of 5-7 cm on cloth or paper. Drying is stopped when the stem is dry (they break, not bend). Yield of dry raw materials 25% –

According to GOST 15946-70, the raw material consists of dark green leaves and branches up to 15 cm long, with buds, but without flowers. The smell is peculiar, aggravated by rubbing. The taste is tart, bitter. Humidity is not higher than 13%. Not more than (percent) is allowed in raw materials: shoots longer than 15 cm – 3, darkened and browned parts – 3, organic impurities – 2, mineral – 1. Ash should be no more than 11%.

Dry grass, pressing, packed in bales weighing 50 kg. Grass can also be harvested by cutting with mechanisms. In this case, according to FS 42-959-75, the raw material consists of whole or crushed parts of plants. Stem length up to 15 cm, thickness – up to 3 mm. In raw materials, no more than 8% of darkened parts are allowed, stems – 40 (including 10% with a thickness of 3-5 mm), crushed particles (passing through a sieve with a hole diameter of 1 mm) – 5, organic impurities – 3%. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas. Shelf life of grass is 2 years. The herb contains flavonoids, phenolcarbolic acids, essential oil, bitterness, alkaloids, mucus, tannins, carotene, ascorbic acid. It is used as a bitter to improve digestion, as a diaphoretic and diuretic against scrofula, with allergic diseases in the form of an infusion.