Yarrow cartilaginous

Perennial herbaceous plant with a creeping rhizome; stems 70-100 cm tall, pubescent, double-serrated along the edge. Numerous baskets are collected in a corymbose inflorescence, resembling the inflorescence of common yarrow, but with larger (6-8 mm in diameter) than in this species, baskets, marginal flowers with an oval, white, 3-4 mm long tongue, the rest are tubular, bisexual. The fruits are oblong, within 2 mm long, achenes.

It blooms in June-August, occurs along the banks of rivers and lakes, on coastal slopes and flood meadows, in shrubs.

Distributed in the European part of Russia, in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Siberia.

Medicinal raw materials are grass, flower baskets.

The presence of aromatic essential oil in the herb (it contains azulene, pinene, berneol and other substances), bitterness and tannins make it possible to use this plant as a gastric agent to increase appetite and as an anti-inflammatory, as well as locally for the treatment of wounds as a rinse.


Infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flower baskets or flowering grass insist 2 hours in 1.5 cups of boiling water. Apply infusion of 2 tbsp. spoons after 2 hours.