Poplar black

In folk medicine, kidney tincture in vodka is drunk for pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach pain, fatigue, and mixed with other herbs for cancer. In the form of an infusion or decoction, it is used as a gastric, for bleeding, for rheumatism. Buds or loose sticky leaves, pounded with oil or fresh fat, are applied to boils, cuts, abscesses, wounds, burns. Outwardly, in addition, products are used for gout, sometimes as a remedy for hair loss, skin itching, hemorrhoids (complex ointment).


Decoction: 20 g per 200 ml; 1 st. spoon 3 times every day.

Kidney tincture: 25%; 15-20 drops 3 times every day for stomach cancer, etc.

Ointment: 1 part kidney powder to 4 parts base (butter or petroleum jelly).

An infusion of the kidneys is taken internally as an antipyretic, for rheumatism, stomach cancer, as a rubbing for hair growth, for gout, externally for burns and as a calming nervous system. Poplar coal – with nervous spasms of the intestines.

See also Oscar.