Tirlich Khreshchaty – gentian cruciform

Bagatorichna herbaceous roslina of the homeland of the Tirlichevs. The stems are erect or viskhidnі, simple, bare, 40-60 cm whorls. Leaflets are opposite, ovoid-lanceolate, obtuse, whole, up to 10 cm long, with trioma, five or five later veins, matured with their bases in the fur; the lower leaves are selected with a rosette. The tickets are correct, two-sided, selected in the axils and upper collars, and rarely – single; calyx is short-ovate, not dowsha for a third of a dozhina vіnochka, plіvchasta, s chotirma with linear-lanceolate parts, with 2 opposite dowshes for іnshі; wreath club-shaped-dzvonikovidny, with great symmetrical folds, 20-25 mm zavdovki, ovnі brudnovato-blakytny or gray-green, middle – blakytny, with 4 ovate parts, at the sides between yakim 4 small lanceolate blades. Plid – a box. Flowers in linden – sickle.

Width. Tirlich crossroad growth in the middle part of the forest areas, near Lysostepu and in the Crimea on dry bows and schilas, in the middle of the chagar forests and along the knots.

Procurement and saving . For the preparation of lykіv vikoristovuyut roots (div. statue Tirlich Zhovtiy) and the grass of Tirlich chreshchaty. Grass is harvested during the blooming period of the growth, the leafy tops of the stems are leafy, and vicorist is fresh, or it is tied in small (8-10 growths) bunches and dried, hung on the tops of the stalks on a free surface or in a good environment. Dry roots come out 20%, dry grass – 22-23%.

Roslin is unofficial .

Chemical warehouse . The root of Tirlich is to take revenge on girki glycosides (gentsiopicrin, amarogentin), zhovty barvnik gentisin, alkaloids, trisaccharide gentianose, disaccharide gentiobiose, fatty olia, resinous pectin speech and ascorbic acid.

Pharmacological power and victory. The preparation of Tirlicha chrysalis helps to improve the functionality of herbal organs (induces appetite, stimulates the secretion of ducts, helps to strengthen the motility of the herbal canal), prevents antiseptic and antiseptic power, reveals anthelmintic disease on Toxocara canis. Experimental studies have established both the zhovchogin and the zhovchogenna power of the products of Tirlich, their building to support the rapid heart. Particularly effective is the stagnation of tirlich chrysophyta with impaired etching, which is accompanied by daily appetite, achilium and dyspeptic manifestations, and with anemia and scrofula. In addition, Tirlich Khreshchaty is an effective convalescent treatment for convalescent ailments. In folk medicine, tirlich christenings are used for the infamous immaturity of the body, stimulating the activity of the liver and zhovchny mikhur, при блідій немочі у недостатньо розвинених дівчат, при цинзі й артриті різного походження, хворобах селезінки, жовтяниці, печії, відригуванні й катарі шлунка, від метеоризму, дизентерії та запорів і як жарознижувальний засіб при простудних захворюваннях органів дихання та як засіб, що сприяє довголіттю. Often, tirlich chreshchaty zastosovuyut in combination with other medicinal dews, which are etched. In case of severe congestion of the product of Tirlich, it is an effective way to treat festering wounds in case of stinking perspiration. Often, tirlich chreshchaty zastosovuyut in combination with other medicinal dews, which are etched. In case of severe congestion of the product of Tirlich, it is an effective way to treat festering wounds in case of stinking perspiration. Often, tirlich chreshchaty zastosovuyut in combination with other medicinal dews, which are etched. In case of severe congestion of the product of Tirlich, it is an effective way to treat festering wounds in case of stinking perspiration.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya .

Internally – vodvar root (10 g, or 1 tablespoon of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop) 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 30-40 quills before eating;

Nastya root (half a teaspoon of syrovin is infused for 8 years in 400 ml of cold boiled water, processed) in a glass of water 3-4 times a day for 30-60 quills before eating;

3 teaspoons sumish (poly) of the root of the christian tirlich, herbs of the tree of the splendid and the small centaury are poured with 3 bottles of cold water, boil 10 quilins and obsessions in two sips during the day with the absence of appetite, with chlorosis, gastritis, colitis, saliva ;

a tablespoon of the sumishi root of tirlich chreshchaty, herbs zvіrobe zvichay, gritsikіv zvіchaynyh and goose frog, taken from spіvvіdnoshennі 1:1:3:3, insist 20 quilin per 250 ml of okrop and drink 2-3 flasks per day with non-cancerous diabetes.

Zovnishnyo – rotted wounds are washed with root water (prepare, like in the front recipe) or sip powder from the root of the christian tirlich, mix it with the powder of chamomile flowers likarsko);

foot baths at a hot vіdvarі (5 tablespoons of sumіshi root tirlich chreshchaty and oak measles, taken from spivvіdnoshenі 1:3, per 1 liter of okrop) are taken daily before going to bed with stinking sweat.

It is necessary to remember that large doses of Tirlich chreshchaty can cause vomit and damage to the activity of herbal organs.

In similar ways, vicorist and dried herbs of tirlich christianus are used (1 tablespoon of syrovina is infused for 2 years in 500 ml of okrop and drunk in a glass of water 4 times a day before meals). Крім того, настій сушеної трави тирличу хрещатого дають усередину при запаленні й піску в нирках і сечовому міхурі, при мізерних і болісних місячних, істерії, кашлі, загальній слабості, запамороченні, туберкульозі, кровохарканні, геморої, золотусі й подагрі та як засіб, що сприяє zbіlshennyu milk from zhіnok, like a breast. At the sight of a lotion of infusions of herbs, zastosovat for the healing of wounds, opiums and gnoyakiv. For the treatment of wounds and gnoyakiv, tincture is used (1 part of fresh herb for 10 parts of mince burner). Vykoristovuyut tirlich khreschaty i in homeopathy.