Tamarind Indian

Homeland – India and tropical Africa. Cultivated – Iran to Burma, Indonesia, Philippines, Africa, Central and South America.

A large evergreen tree with a spreading crown. Leaves are alternate, paired. Flowers with a pink corolla, slightly irregular, five-membered, collected in racemes. Beans within 20 cm long and 2-3 cm wide, indehiscent, consist of a dark brown, fragile and thin epicarp, fleshy mesocarp, leathery endocarp and contain 3-6 seeds; fibers stretch along the midrib and along the edges. The epicarp is removed from mature beans, and the pulp is preserved with sugar syrup.

A dark brown viscous mass (Pulpa Tamarindorum) preserved with sugar is used, which contains fibers from the mesocarp, reddish-brown, shiny, smooth, hard seeds of a round-square shape, 12-15 mm long, and fragments of the endocarp. Mass of pleasant sweet and sour fruity taste.

Tamarind pulp contains tartaric acid and its acidic potassium salt in an amount within 8%, free organic acids in total within 10%, invert sugar within 40%, a lot of pectin substances. It is used as a mild laxative, especially for babies, and the infusion is used as a refreshing drink for fever. Pectin is obtained from the pulp.

The plant belongs to sugar, contains carbohydrates. SUGAR-BEARING PLANTS Sugar-bearing plants are understood as plants in which large amounts of monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) and sucrose accumulate.