Richter’s solyanka – Richter’s kurai (growing and cultivation)

Name: Richter’s solyanka – Richter’s kurai (growing and cultivation)

Richter’s solyanka ( Richter ‘s kurai) Salsola richteri Kag 1.



Synonym: Circassian.


Description. A tree or shrub from the haze family fChenoDodiaceae) with a light gray and openwork crown, 23 m high, with a powerful root system. The bark of the stems is light gray, the branches are white, the leaves are alternate, filiform, narrow. The flowers are small, located in the axils of the leaves, forming loose spike-shaped inflorescences on the tops. Fruits are round, sessile, winged nuts Weight 1000 nuts (“seeds”) within 1.5 g. Blooms from late May to November; fruits begin to ripen in July.


Medicinal raw materials: fruits and flowers.


Habitat . It grows mainly on hilly sands, at the foot of dunes, on fixed sands, as a drought-resistant and sand-loving plant.


Spreading. Richter’s solyanka is an endemic plant that grows only in the desert zones of Central Asia, in the Karakum, Kyzylkum, Mangyshlak and Western Ustyug, it also enters Afghanistan and Iran.


Composition of active substances. The fruits, leaves and flowers of the saltwort contain the alkaloids salsolin and salsolidin. Their content depends on the place of growth and on the periods of collection – plants.


Application. Solyanka preparations salsolin and salsolidin in the form of hydrochloric acid salts are mainly used in the treatment of hypertensive whiteness, with headaches due to spasms of cerebral vessels. Salsolin dilates blood vessels and helps lower blood pressure, with a general sedative effect. The drug has low toxicity. Salsolidin is similar in therapeutic effect to salsolin, but about three times weaker than it.


In order to enhance the effect of salsolin and salsolidin, it is recommended to combine them with other vasodilators and sedatives: papaverine, diuretin, phenobarbital. Salsolin and salsolidin are used orally (0.03 g each) or subcutaneously (1 ml of a 1% solution).


Alcoholic tincture of hodgepodge is taken 4050 drops two to three times every day.


Not so long ago, salsolin and salsolidin began to be successfully replaced with a simple tincture of 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. It gives good results with increased blood pressure, headache, dizziness, discomfort in the heart area.


Due to its calming effect, hodgepodge is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases (a decoction of 20 g per 200 g of water, a tablespoon two or three times every day; a tincture of a tablespoon of crushed fruits in half a glass of vodka, 60 drops two or three times everyday).


Collection. The plant is harvested from late August to November. The fruits are picked on the spot by hand and immediately put into bags to avoid contact with the sand.


Drying . Dry in the open air on bedding.


Pack . Finished raw materials are packed in bags and bales of 2050 kg.


Quality requirement. According to the requirements of GOST 2234 43, the diameter of the fruits of the saltwort, together with the wings, should be 1520 mm. Leaves and stems are allowed in raw materials 3%; flowers 10; ash15, mineral impurities 1%. Alkaloids must be at least 11%.

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