
Name: Snyt

Snyt vulgaris


Perennial herbaceous plant with slightly furrowed bare or shortly pubescent stem up to 100 cm tall. The leaves are vaginal, the lower ones are double-triangular, the upper ones are trifoliate, with large, ovate, pointed, serrated leaves. The flowers are white, small, in multi-beam complex umbrellas. Blooms in June-July.

Distributed in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Western Siberia and in some places in Eastern Siberia. Grows in sparse forests and clefts, along their edges, forest meadows and shady ravines.

Medicinal raw material is a herb.

In folk medicine, an infusion of herbs is drunk for all kinds of joint damage, gastrointestinal diseases, accompanied by a disorder of the digestive tract, diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Formerly, the plant was used in scientific medicine for the treatment of gout, but has been replaced by more effective drugs.

Externally, fresh crushed leaves are applied to sore spots with all kinds of inflammatory processes as an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory.



Infusion: 3 teaspoons of herbs pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and take half a cup 4 times every day before meals.

Young, unopened leaves and leaf petioles are used to make vitamin salads; the whole plant can replace cabbage in borscht.

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