Prolonged testicle – prostrate testicle

Name: Roslogy rush – spreading rush

Sprawling Juncus (Juncus effuses); Juncaceae family; the scrotum is loose


On wet and marshy soils in the middle zone of Russia, this modest plant is often found, but we perceive it as an ordinary rough marsh grass. The inconspicuous appearance of the satnik does not say anything about its useful properties.

It is a herbaceous perennial with a densely grassy, ​​creeping rhizome. The stem of the plant is cylindrical, strong and smooth (when dry

Infusion of blueberry grass has an expectorant and soothing effect. Traditional healers use this product to treat respiratory diseases and as an anticonvulsant and sedative for epilepsy. The high antihormonal activity of infusions of the bruise has been experimentally proven. Externally, decoctions of the herb are used for rheumatic pains and stretching of the tendons — to rub the sore spots.

Honey yield of blueberry is up to 400 kg from 1 hectare of plantations. Some bee families collect more than 50 kg of high-quality, light amber, thick and aromatic honey during the flowering of the plant. It crystallizes slowly into a fine-grained mass.

Herbal infusion. 10 g of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for 15-20 minutes, filter. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day.

finely furrowed), 50-120 cm tall, wrapped in a bright brown sheath at the base. As a rule, several stems depart from the rhizome, forming a bundle. The flowers are regular, single, on elongated peduncles, collected in panicles. Perianth of six linear-lanceolate, greenish leaves with a rusty border. The plant blooms in June-July. The fruit is an inverted egg-shaped brownish capsule. This type of sytnik is widespread in the European part of Russia, it is not found only in the southeastern regions. In Ukraine, it grows in Polissia in marshy forests and meadows, swamps, in the forest-steppe and steppe zone – on the sandy banks of rivers. It often inhabits swampy cultivated lands – fields and meadows.

The plant is used in folk medicine and homeopathy, as well as in the household – for weaving mats, rugs, etc.

For medicinal purposes, the rhizomes of sycamore are collected in autumn, which homeopaths use fresh, and folk healers use in dried form.

The rhizomes of the plant contain tannins and soluble compounds of silicon (silicates).

In traditional medicine, rhizomes are added to medicinal teas and preparations recommended for the treatment of urolithiasis. In combination with other plants, rhizomes are used for inflammation of the bladder. As an additional component, satynik is used in the composition of some foreign products for digestive disorders, liver and gall bladder diseases. From fresh rhizomes, homeopaths prepare an essence that is part of products for dissolving stones in the urinary tract.

Sytnik is a modest plant, however, knowing about its useful properties, you should not pass it by.

Decoction of rhizomes. 1 tablespoon of a mixture of crushed rhizomes of sycamore and naked licorice, leaves of warty birch and common mealybug, as well as corn stigmas (all components are sold in pharmacies), taken in equal amounts, soak in 250 ml of cold water, add baking soda on the tip of a knife. Boil for 30 minutes, strain, cool. Take 1/4 cup 5 times a day. With urolithiasis and inflammation of the bladder.

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