Synonym: securinega branched.
Description. Spreading shrub from the Euphorbiaceae family, 22.5 m high, with very hard wood and straight light yellow bare twig-like shoots. The leaves are small, glabrous, slightly leathery, elliptical or oval-lanceolate. The flowers are dioecious, greenish-yellow or green, arranged in glomeruli along the branches; pistillate with three columns; stamens arranged in bundles, serrated. The fruit is a flattened, three-celled capsule. Blossoms in June, fruits ripen in September. Seeds are smooth, with a thin skin. Weight of 1000 seeds 2.53.0 g.
Medicinal raw materials: leaves with non-lignified twigs.
biological features. Securinega is a photophilous, dioecious, weather and soil drought tolerant plant. With increased soil moisture, its growth and development worsens. After cutting the stems, it gives a violent growth of shoots, which contributes to obtaining 2-3 cuttings in one growing season.
Habitat . It grows in the forest along the edges, along rocky slopes and sand and pebble riverbanks.
Distribution . It occurs in areas of Eastern Siberia and in the Primorsky Territory along the Amur.
As an ornamental plant, it is found in the culture of botanical gardens and parks in Ukraine.
Composition of active substances. The active substance of securinegi semi-shrub is the nitrate salt of the alkaloid securinine.
Application. Leaves and leafy tops of stems no thicker than 3 mm are used as medicinal raw materials, in which the alkaloid securinine is located, which has a strychnine-like effect. Securinin has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, especially on the spinal cord, on the cardiovascular system, respiration, and increases muscle tone. Securinin is less active than strychnine, but it is eight to ten times less toxic. It is used in the form of securinin nitrate for fatigue, neurasthenia, various kinds of movement disorders, weakening of cardiac activity, impotence, hypotension, and chronic alcoholism.
Securinin is prescribed orally in a 0.4% solution, 1020 drops two to three times every day, also in a 1:500 solution, 1 ml once every day. The course of treatment is 2030 days. Use the product under strict medical supervision.
Securinin is contraindicated in atherosclerosis, Graves’ disease, hypertension.
Agrotechnics of cultivation. Site selection. VILR recommends placing securinega in crop rotation fields under perennial medicinal plants in use
not less than 4 years.
Securinega can also be cultivated in open areas with increased fertility, and in the southern regions it can be placed in shelterbelts.
Soil cultivation. The main autumn plowing must be carried out to a depth of up to 30 cm. On chernozems, it is rational to increase the plowing depth to 3540 cm.
Application of fertilizers. On podzolic soils that are poor in fertility, it is recommended to apply 3040 t/ha of organic fertilizers for the main arable land along with 23 t/ha of ammonium nitrate and 34 t/ha of superphosphate.
Reproduction. Securinega is propagated mainly by sowing seeds in the ground. It is best to sow when the average daily soil temperature in a layer up to 10 cm is 10°. Sowing is carried out at row spacing of 6070 cm \ seeding depth of 23 cm. Securinega can also be sown manually in rows, also in a square-nested way. The seed sowing rate, depending on the sowing method and row spacing, can vary within 810 kg/ha for the row method with row spacing of 60 cm and up to 22.5 kg/ha for square-nested sowing with row spacing of 70×70 cm.
Plantation care. On the plantations of the first year of culture, row spacing is loosened and weeds are removed in rows and nests. In the second year, the plantation is harrowed across the rows. On transitional plantations, row spacing is loosened as needed, and after each harvest, weeds are destroyed, and mineral fertilizers are also fertilized at the rate of 1 c / ha of ammonium nitrate, 1.5 c / ha of superphosphate (in early spring after each harvest under the cultivator).
Harvest. The period of harvesting the deciduous tops of the stems and leaves of the securinega semi-shrub depends on the climatic, agrotechnical conditions and the age of the plants. In the first year of culture, cutting is done once, in extreme cases twice. On transitional plantations, they harvest two or three times. The stems are cut at a height of 1520 cm above the soil level. This contributes to the faster growth of new shoots and increases the yield of raw materials. Delay in harvesting leads to aging of the stems, their lignification, and, consequently, to a deterioration in the quality of raw materials.
Growing seeds. Securinega seeds are harvested by hand from female plants in the browning stage in transitional plantations, starting from the second year of life. Since the fruits crack in dry weather and the seeds fall out of them, harvesting will need to be carried out before cracking begins.
Drying. Dry securinega under a canopy or in the open air. However, it is more expedient to dry in special dryers with artificial heating at a temperature of 5060 ° C.
Pack. Packed in 25 kg bags or 50 kg bales,
Storage. It should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated area, on pedestals, with caution as a potent drug, separately from other medicinal raw materials.
quality requirements. In accordance with MRTU-42 No. 69362, in the finished medicinal raw material it is allowed: moisture 14%, total ash 10, parts that have lost their normal color, 8; lignified stems and branches with a thickness of over 3 mm 2; weakly lignified and non-lignified stems and branches 20; crushed parts passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 2 mm, 12; organic impurities 0.5, mineral 1; securinin not less than 0.2%.
The course of healing is 20-30 days. The largest doses for adults in the middle: one-time 0.005 g, dobova 0.015 g; under the sheet: one-time 0.003 g, additional 0.005 g.