Rutvitsya is small – small basil

Name: Rutvitsya is small – small cornflower

Rutvitsya small (Thalictrum minus); small cornflower


Bagatorichna grassy gola roslin homeland of the Zhovtetsevs. Stem erect or viskhіdne, razgaluzhene, 50-100 cm whorls. Leaves are black, petiolate, broadly tricate, 3-4-pinnate, with rounded-ovate anterior trilopathic or trich incised leaves. The tickets are correct, two-state, drooped, folded into a strip; the coloration is simple, calyx-shaped, with 4 ovate, greenish leaves; the threads of the tichinok are thin, yellow. The fruits are sessile ovoid ribbed simyanka. The color of the chervni is linden.

Width . Rutvitsa is small in growth throughout the territory of Ukraine (importantly in Lisostep and in Stepa beer) on knots and on fox galyavins, steppe bows, grassy schilas and middle chagarniks.

Procurement and saving . For medical needs, the herb rutwitsi (Herba Thalictri minoris) is harvested, blooming at half an hour the flowering growth of the tops of the stems of the plant is 30-35 cm. They take care of the okremo from the outside, dorimuyuchis rules for saving the bristle-weeds. Lines of appurtenance – 3 years. Pharmacies do not allow syrovina.

Chemical warehouse . The above-ground part of the plant is saponin (3.1%), up to 1.1% alkaloids (thalmin, talmidin, talmetin, 0-methyltalmetin, talactamine, dehydrotalikmin, talikminin, b-alocryptopin, l-chloromethylate l-canadin, berberine), cyanogens spoluki, tannins of speech, flavonoids (1.64%), essential aliphatic carbohydrates and ascorbic acid.

Pharmacological power and victory. Grass rutvitsі maloї enter the warehouse of Zdrenko’s sum, yak zastosovyt in oncological practice as a symptomatic zasіb. In folk medicine, roslin is known for its pain-relieving, sechoginic, expectorant, sedative, hypotensive, blood-spinning, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic powers. Nasty herbs are given in the middle of the cough (in case of tuberculosis and other diseases of the respiratory organs), with colds (as an antipyretic disease), diseases of the herbal canal (carrying over, constipation), liver disease and liver paths, irkovokam’yanіy ailments, with occasional bleeding, with rheumatism and painful menstruation, with depression of epilepsy, disorder of the nervous system, with sleeplessness, hypertensive ailment and angina pectoris. Like a callous zasib rutvitsa zastosovuyut for lustful obstruction between the toes, festering wounds and other ailments of the skin. In homeopathy, rosemary is stagnant in case of painful menstruation and as a rule, which improves the zir.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya . Internally – infusion of herbs (1 teaspoon of syrovin per 200 ml of okrop) in pivsklyanka 2-3 times a day.

Zovnishno – washing with infusion (1 tablespoon of syrovina per 200 ml of okrop); tovchene leaves are applied to the afflicted carriage of the shkir.