A perennial herbaceous plant of the morning glory family. It has a fleshy, bulbous thickened rhizome. The stem is erect, simple, 40-100 cm tall, sharp-four-sided, smooth, sometimes slightly glandular at the top. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, elongated-ovate-oblong or lanceolate-oblong, serrate, sharp, 5-16 cm long and 2-8 cm wide. The flowers are small, bisexual, irregular, collected in a long panicled inflorescence; corolla is greenish-brown, jug-shaped and bell-shaped, with an almost two-lipped five-lobed bend and with the lower blade, which is bent downwards, the upper part and the back are brown-red. The calyx is 2.5-4 times shorter than the corolla. The fruit is a box. Blooms from May to August.
Spread. The knotweed grows throughout the territory of Ukraine (rarely in the south) in meadows, among shrubs, in forests.
Procurement and storage . Herb (Herba Scrophulariae nodosae) and rhizome (Rhizoma Scrophulariae nodosae) are used to make medicines. The grass is harvested during the flowering period of the plant, cutting off the tops of stems 30 cm long. The rhizomes are dug in autumn. The collected raw materials are dried in the shade in the open air or in a well-ventilated room. 20% of dry raw materials are obtained. Store in tightly closed cans or cans, following the rules for storing poisonous plants.
The plant is unofficial .
Chemical composition. The grass and rhizomes of the plant contain alkaloids, poisonous saponin, flavonoid hesperidin, tannins and resinous substances, and organic acids (butyric, cinnamon, malic).
Pharmacological properties and use. When administered internally, the products of the nodular morning glory show dermotonic, antiallergic, pain-relieving and antipruritic effects. With this in mind, an infusion of the rhizomes is drunk for itchy rashes on the skin and inflammation of the lymph nodes, and an infusion of the herb for urticaria. In addition, infusion of rhizomes is recommended for scrofula, goiter, neoplasms and joint rheumatism. When used externally, the products of the nodular plant have an anti-inflammatory effect, suppress pain, soothe itching, and accelerate wound healing. Infusion of rhizomes is used for compresses (2-3 times a day for boils and itchy skin), lotions (2-3 times a day for hemorrhoids) and rinsing (for tonsillitis). Fresh crushed grass or powder from dried grass is used for wound healing. Poultices of dried grass are used for abscesses,
Medicinal forms and applications .
Internally – 1 teaspoon of rhizomes is infused in a glass of boiling water until it cools, and the resulting infusion is drunk in sips a day;
5 g of the herb is infused until it cools in a glass of boiling water and the resulting infusion is drunk during the day in 3 doses.
Externally – rinses, lotions and compresses from a decoction of rhizomes (2 teaspoons of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, strain).
The inherent toxic properties of morning glory require caution when using it.