Common oleander – wild oleander (harvesting and storage)

is savage oleander.


Family kutrovye – Arosupaseae.

Leaves are used for medicinal purposes.

It grows wild along the Mediterranean coast. As a medicinal plant grown on the Black Sea coast of Crimea. Landings are used for decades from 3-4 years of age.

Common oleander is an evergreen branched shrub or tree 2-3 m high with smooth gray bark. The leaves are small, arranged in whorls of 3, short-petiolate, lanceolate, entire, leathery, pointed, up to 20 cm long, dark green above, lighter below, with a prominent central vein. The edges are rolled down. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, on short pedicels, collected in semi-umbels at the tops of stems and branches. Calyx deeply five-parted, corolla five-petal pink, red or white; corolla lobes obovate with terry outgrowths at the bend. Stamens 5, anthers sagittate with apical longish setae. Ovary bilocular, style cylindrical with capitate stigma. The fruit is a double leaf, up to 16 cm long, cylindrical in shape. Seeds are cylindrical, silky from hairy pubescence, with a reddish tuft-fly. The plant contains white milky juice. Blooms in June – August. The fruits ripen in October – November.

Old leaves are harvested in autumn (October-November) or before the beginning of spring development (April). The blank is combined with decorative molding of bushes. From the cut branches, the leaves are cut off with hands in protective gloves. Dry without delay in the shade, under awnings, in heated rooms or dryers at a temperature of 50 °, spreading a thin layer (2-3 cm) on racks, cloth or tarpaulin. The end of drying is determined by the fragility of the petioles.

According to FS 42-24-72, the raw material consists of leaves 10-20 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm wide, green above, light green below. There is no smell, the taste is not determined – poisonous!

In raw materials, no more than (percent) is allowed: leaves of a different color – 5, other parts of the plant – 1, organic and mineral impurities – 0.5 each. The content of cardiac glycoside oleandrin should not be less than 0.2%, humidity should not exceed 14%.

Packed in bales weighing 50 kg or bags of 12-15 kg.

At all stages of work, precautions are carefully observed (poisonous!).

It is stored in a group of potent raw materials in dry, well-ventilated rooms in a packaged form on pallets or racks.

The activity of raw materials is controlled annually.

The leaves contain cardiac glycosides (oleandrin, cornerin), triterpene saponins, flavonoids (rutin), etc.

Oleandrin is used as a product of neriolin in acute and chronic heart failure with circulatory disorders.