Ranunculaceae – Ranunculaceae.
Popular names: Montenegrin, devil’s eye.
Parts Used: Whole flowering plant (without roots).
Pharmacy name: Adonis herb – Adonidis herba (formerly: Heiba Adonidis).
Botanical description.This amazing plant has become so rare that it is found in very few places. Therefore, it is under strict protection! Adonis spring – perennial plant 15-30 cm in height; in the ground it is fixed by a powerful rhizome, from which numerous roots depart. Traditionally, several erect, rounded stems grow from the rhizome, which at first are slightly pubescent. On the stems are numerous three- or four-pinnate leaves with filiform, sharp segments. An upright or drooping peduncle ends with one large golden and shiny flower (up to 7 cm in diameter). Blooms from April to May. Adonis spring prefers steppes with increased herbage. Found in Eastern and Southern Europe on sunny hills, dry open areas or among rocks. In Germany, it grows only in a few places.Active ingredients: cardiac glycosides.
Healing action and application. This remedy only occasionally serves as an integral part of teas to improve cardiac activity and blood circulation. In practice, it is used in galenic products (partly standardized) for heart disease and circulatory disorders under the supervision of a physician. The main areas of their application are violations of the activity of the heart muscle from mild to moderate severity, weakening of cardiac activity, palpitations with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, and also heart ailments due to nervousness. Previously, this drug was also used in folk medicine to expel stones from the bladder and kidneys.
Use in homeopathy. The homeopathic remedy Adonis vemalis is given for heart rhythm disturbances due to nervousness, to stimulate blood circulation in infectious diseases; they can be effective in diseases of the prostate gland. Take 5-10 drops of tincture 2-3 times every day, with severe ailments – up to 20 drops.
Side effects. In case of an overdose, nervous excitement, disturbances of gastric and intestinal activity, as well as nausea and vomiting occur.