Cuff sparkling (Alchemilla micans L.)


Perennial herbaceous plant with a creeping rhizome. Stems ascending in an arcuate manner, densely pubescent. Basal leaves on long pubescent petioles, rounded kidney-shaped, slightly wavy with 9 lobes, rather densely hairy above, below only along the main veins; stem leaves are smaller and on short petioles. Flowers with four stamens, greenish, small, on long pedicels, collected in loose balls, loose inflorescences with straight-protruding branches. The cuff blooms from late May to July. The sparkling cuff is widespread, found in all kinds of habitats.

Contains active substances:

The cuff grass contains tannins and bitter substances, the leaves are rich in vitamins.

Medicinal use:

A decoction of the cuff herb is used orally for female diseases; they wash places affected by scabies; a decoction of fresh leaves is used to treat bruises. In Western European medicine, it is used for external and internal wounds and ulcerations.