The long-horned cuckoo is a plant from the Orchid family (Orchidaceae). Other names: mosquito cuckoo
Tubers are oval-ovate, laterally compressed. Stem up to 75 cm in height, straight, at the base with brown sheaths, 4-7 linear-lanceolate pointed leaves, the upper leaves gradually turn into bracts. Flowers in infrequent spike-shaped inflorescence, lilac-pink, with a slight odor; 2 lateral leaflets divergent within the flower bed, 2 middle and 2 inner ones are collected in a helmet, a three-lobed lip with a spur equal to or greater than the ovary. Ovary within 8 mm long. It blooms in June. The long-horned cuckoo grows in forest glades and edges, in gray alder forests, pine-birch forests and in sedge-cotton grass bogs. There is a cuckoo quite often.
Medicinal use:
Apply products from the roots of the cuckoo as an enveloping agent (this is due to the presence of a large amount of mucus).