Yellow pod (Nuphar luteum L.)

The yellow pod is a perennial herbaceous plant from the water lily family (Nymphaeaceae). Other names: yellow water lily, yellow kupava, egg capsule, water flyer, water lily, yellow shift worker, water burdock


Perennial aquatic plant with longish fleshy rhizomes with traces of fallen leaves. The leaves are of two kinds: heart-shaped-oval, almost leathery, floating on the plane of the water, on long petioles and translucent, wavy at the edges, on short petioles submerged in water. The flowers are quite large, 4-6 cm in diameter, bright yellow, protruding on the plane of the water; petals numerous, obovate, narrowed downwards into a wide nail, and rounded at the apex, sometimes slightly notched; stamens numerous, stigma flat. The fruit is juicy, berry-like, ovoid-conical, smooth. It blooms from June to September. The yellow capsule grows in all kinds of reservoirs – lakes, oxbows, in backwaters and in rivers with slowly flowing water.

Contains active substances:

For medicinal purposes, the rhizomes of the capsule are used, which contain the alkaloid nufarin, tannins, a lot of starch, meta-arabic acid. The pod flowers contain a cardiac glycoside. The rhizome is part of the mixture prescribed by M.N. Zdirenko for the treatment of bladder papillomatosis and anacid gastritis. Recently, VILAR released a product from the capsule – “Lutenurin” (an alkaloid) for use in acute and chronic trichomonas diseases and as a contraceptive.

Medicinal use:

In folk medicine, tincture of the roots of the capsule on vodka is drunk for gastritis, rheumatism, flowers for uterine bleeding, flowers and leaves are applied to wounds; the leaves are applied to the places affected by erysipelas. In homeopathy, the essence of fresh rhizomes is used for sexual impotence and prolapse of the uterus. The rhizome of the egg capsule is a proven remedy for cockroaches.