Medical burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis L.)

The medicinal burnet is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Rosaceae family. Other names: bebrenets, gryzhnik, goroshnik, button, twig, wild mountain ash, owl grass, black grass


Tall perennial plant, 25-100 cm tall, with horizontal strong rhizome, with branched roots; stem erect, leafy, branched at the top; leaves pinnate with 4-5 pairs of oval serrated leaflets on petioles, at the base they are provided with oblique stipules, dark green and shiny above, dull and bluish below. The flowers of the burnet are dark red in an oblong-oval spike-shaped inflorescence; within the flower bed is simple, four-parted; stamens with dark red anthers; pistil with capitate-fringed stigma; the fruit is enclosed in an overgrown receptacle and appears to be tetrahedral with slightly winged ribs. Blossoms in June-August. Healing burnet grows in water meadows and shrubs.

Harvesting, description of raw materials:

For medicinal purposes, the rhizomes and roots of the burnet officinalis – Rhizoma et radix Sanguisorbae, are used, which are harvested in the fall. Rhizomes with roots are dug up, washed from the ground, cut into pieces 10-15 cm long and dried in the open air, possibly in the sun. The finished raw material consists of cylindrical or irregularly shaped pieces of roots and rhizomes, dark brown on the outside, yellowish on the break, with a strongly astringent taste, odorless.

Contains active substances:

Rhizomes and roots of burnet contain tannins, according to Pharmacopoeia IX, they should be at least 14% in raw materials. In addition, gallic and ellagic acids, saponins sanguisorbin, lossin, as well as sterols, gentriacontane, dyes and essential oil were found.

Medicinal use:

In medical practice, decoction, liquid extract, red Sorbex tablets containing dry extract of burnet are used. A decoction and products are used as an astringent and hemostatic agent for hemoptysis, diarrhea and uterine bleeding, for gastrointestinal diseases (enterocolitis and diarrhea). The raw material is part of the antidiarrheal collection. In folk medicine, an aqueous decoction of the burnet root or an alcohol tincture of the root is used for dysentery.