Elm hornbeam

Common name: ilm.

Parts used: bark.

Pharmacy name: elm bark – Ulmae cortex (earlier: Cortex Ulmae).

Botanical description. A tree reaching a height of 40 m. The girth of its trunk is very large, and it can be said that hardly any other of our wild trees reaches the same age as the elm. The trunk branches at a fairly high height, covered at first with a smooth, later – cracking bark of a dark gray color. In addition to the fan-shaped long branches, the elm is well recognized by the short-petiolate, sharp-ovate, serrated leaves; bright green on top, lighter on the underside, their characteristic feature is unequal sideness. The flowers, from which whitish lionfish fruits later develop, are collected in bunches. Blooms in March-April. Grows in valley forests, on sunny slopes and forest edges, along river banks; often found in parks.

Collection and preparation. Elm uses bark. It is quite obvious that not the rough, cracked bark of old trunks is taken, but the smooth bark of young branches. The best collection time is spring (end of March-April), when the bark is easily separated. Dry it in the sun or in the shade, but always in a ventilated place.

active ingredients. The action of raw materials is determined by mucus, tannins, bitterness, flobafen and some other substances. Healing action and application. Elm bark relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes. Therefore, tea prepared from it is used for inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines or for rinsing with inflammation of the mouth and throat. In addition, tea is applied in the form of lotions and compresses to poorly healing wounds.

  • Elm bark tea: 2 teaspoons topped with bark, pour 1/4 liter of cold water, slowly bring to a boil and strain. For internal use, give 1 cup of tea every day, especially for diarrhea. For rinsing, irrigation of the oral cavity, lotions on wounds, tea is used undiluted.

Application in folk medicine. Elm bark is not used everywhere. Where this remedy is known, it is used mainly for baths for hemorrhoids and for the treatment of wounds. With diarrhea, it is used by grinding it into powder: 2 times every day, give 0.5 teaspoon in the form of an aqueous suspension.

Side effects are unknown.