leaf cranberry (Oxycoccus quadripetalus L.)
The four-leaf cranberry is a shrub from the Cowberry family (Vacciniaceae). Other names: Swamp cranberry
Evergreen small shrub, with creeping thin stems. The branches are thin, ascending, the leaves are wintering, leathery, with curled edges, bright green above, shiny, gray-gray below from a wax coating, oblong-ovate or elliptical, pointed at the apex, on very short petioles. Flowers on long short fluffy pedicels, drooping, collected 1-4 at the ends of the branches. Corolla four-parted, dark pink with petals turned to the base of the flower, 8 stamens, with short, expanded woolly filaments at the base, lower ovary. The fruit is a dark red, rather large, round, sometimes pear-shaped berry. It blooms in May-June, the berries ripen at the end of September and remain for the winter. Cranberries grow on raised sphagnum bogs, in pine forests with sphagnum cover.
Ripe cranberries are harvested all autumn before snow and early spring, they are used fresh.
Contains active substances:
Cranberries contain from 2-5% organic acids (citric, benzoic, quinic, etc.), sugars, pectin and dyes, vaccinia glycoside and vitamin C.
Medicinal use:
Cranberries are used to prepare cranberry extract – Extactum Oxycocci, used as a thirst quencher for febrile diseases, and as a vitamin. In folk medicine, cranberries are eaten with high blood pressure, leaves for shortness of breath, berries and leaves for low acidity of the stomach, berry juice is used with fever.