Creeping clover is a herbaceous perennial from the Moth family (Papilionaceae). Other names: white clover
Perennial creeping plant with branched shoots rooting at the nodes; leaves trifoliate, glabrous with obovate thin leaflets; flowers in capitate inflorescences, looser than those of mountain clover; corolla white or pinkish, turning brown after flowering, calyx glabrous; the fruit is a bean with 3-4 seeds. It blooms all summer. Creeping clover is found everywhere in meadows, wastelands, forest glades, near housing, roads and other grassy places.
Contains active substances:
Creeping clover grass contains tannins, xanthine, vitamin A, alkaloids, vitamin E, carotene.
Medicinal use:
Brewed creeping clover grass is drunk as tea for various female diseases, baths are taken for tumors, cough, leucorrhoea, rheumatism, epilepsy, uterine bleeding.