Common goldenrod (Solidago virga-aurea L.)

Common goldenrod is a herbaceous perennial from the Compositae family. Other names: golden rod


Perennial plant with a strong erect stem 50-100 cm tall, sometimes painted in a reddish-violet color; basal and lower leaves are oblong-elliptical, serrated, stem leaves are lanceolate, entire. Flowers in small baskets, collected in an elongated leafy raceme; in the basket there are reed and tubular flowers, corollas – golden yellow; the fruit is a cylindrical small achene with a tuft. Blooms from July to October. Common goldenrod grows in pine and spruce forests, on hillsides.

Contains active substances:

The common goldenrod grass contains essential oil, traces of saponins, quercitrin, tannins, an alkaloid-like substance, bitterness, and nicotinic acid.

Medicinal use:

Goldenrod grass is brewed as tea and drunk for diarrhea, bladder diseases; powdered dry inflorescences are mixed with cream and the ointment is used for various skin diseases, especially for skin tuberculosis; powder from flowers fall asleep non-healing wounds, from leucorrhea. The plant is officially in homeopathy, in the GDR.