loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.)

loosestrife is a perennial plant from the loosestrife family (Lythraceae). Other names: plakun-grass


Perennial with thick woody root; straight stem up to 1 m in height, dressed with 3 leaves in a whorl or opposite; leaves sessile, pointed; flowers at the top of the stem and branches are collected in whorls, forming dense intermittent brushes; corollas raspberry, medium-sized, from 6-10 petals; the fruit is a box. Derbeinik blooms in July-August. It grows in damp places, along the banks of reservoirs. Occurs quite often.

Contains active substances:

There are tannins in the roots of the derbeinik; in seeds alkaloid glycoside, lytrarin; in the grass – salikarin glycoside, traces of essential oil, resin; in flowers – flavones.

Medicinal use:

Medicinal raw material is the root of the derbeinik, in its absence – grass. An aqueous decoction of derbeinik is drunk for stomach pains, female diseases, uterine bleeding, as a diuretic, for diseases caused by weight lifting, venereal diseases; bathe emaciated babies; they drink a decoction or eat a root with bread, sour milk when bitten by rabid animals, when bitten by a snake; tincture of roots on vodka is drunk with stomach pains, colds, headaches; make lotions for bruises; A decoction of the whole herb is drunk with noise in the head, epilepsy. Derbeinik is used in homeopathy. Tincture or decoction of Derbeinik herb in folk medicine is drunk for dysentery, chronic intestinal catarrh, as an analgesic and hemostatic agent. Sometimes taken orally for colds and nervous diseases.