Gryzhnik naked (Herniaria glabra L.)

Gryzhnik naked is a perennial plant from the Clove family (Caryophyllaceae). Other names: gladun, polygamous gryzhnik hairy


Small, yellowish-green, bare perennial plant with outstretched or flattened stems, woody at the base. Leaves 2-7 mm long, oblong or obovate, narrowed into a petiole. Stipules broadly ovate, ciliated. Flowers sessile, in axillary glomeruli, bisexual, small; calyx green with 5 sepals, no corolla, 5 stamens, bifid stigma. A box with dark brown, shiny seeds 5-20 mm long. The hernia blooms naked from May to August. The hernia grows naked in sandy open places, within the road, along the cliffs of river banks.


For medicinal purposes, the herb hernia naked is used. It is collected throughout the summer. Dry in the open air.

Contains active substances:

Herb hernia naked contains coumarin and its derivatives, umbelliferone and herniarin (up to 0.2%), flavonoids quercetin, rutin and others. triterpene saponin, which breaks down during hydrolysis into quilaic acid and sugars – glucose, rhamnose, galactose; dense essential oil (0.6%) and a small amount of unexplored paronychin.

Medicinal use:

In European countries, Gryzhnik naked is used as a diuretic. In folk medicine, an aqueous decoction is used for jaundice, stomach pains, prolapse of the uterus, bloody urine, and rabies; babies are bathed in a decoction with diathesis, children’s eczema, the skin becomes better from the juice of the naked hernia.