Gravilat urban (Geum urbanum L.)

Gravilat city – A perennial herbaceous plant from the Rosaceae family (Rosaceae). Other names: dry wood, river gravel


Perennial herbaceous plant with thick creeping rhizome, stem 30-70 cm, erect; basal leaves are lyre-pinnate, on long petioles, stem sessile. Flowers within 1.5 cm wide, on long pedicels, solitary, regular, light yellow, with 5 petals; calyx 5-parted with subcup of 5 small leaves, many stamens and pistils; fruits are nut-shaped, numerous, with hooked tops. The city beetle blooms in May-August. It grows in shrubs, in gardens, in weedy places. Occurs frequently.

Contains active substances:

In the rhizomes of urban gravilat there are tannins and hein glycoside, which splits off the essential oil. containing evegenol, bitter substance, flavones.

Medicinal use:

A decoction of the herb gravilata urban is used orally for bleeding, bloody diarrhea, pulmonary tuberculosis. Root tincture on vodka is drunk with diarrhea, with gastric diseases, from bloody urine in cows.