Gentian pulmonary (Gentiana pneumonanthe L.)

Gentian pulmonary is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Gentian family. Other names: blue hypericum


Perennial herbaceous plant up to 60 cm tall, with straight single or several simple, sometimes slightly branched, leafy stems. The leaves are opposite, narrow, linear, traditionally with one vein. The flowers are bright blue, large – funnel-bell-shaped with five short, acute-angled limb lobes, on short pedicels, traditionally one at the top of the stem and in the axils of the upper leaves. Gentian pulmonary blooms in July-August. Gentian pulmonary grows in meadows, among shrubs, on the edges of forests.

Contains active substances:

Gentian pulmonary contains the glycoside gentiopicrin, the leaves are rich in vitamin C, the root contains hepcyamine.

Medicinal use:

In folk medicine, an aqueous decoction of the whole plant, collected during flowering, is taken for diseases of the nervous system, loss of strength, fainting, for pain in the stomach, paralysis, tinnitus, as a gastric one.