Vyazel multi-colored (Coronilla varia L.)


Herbaceous perennial with a creeping branched rhizome and with numerous hollow, branched, creeping or ascending stems. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, with 5-11 pairs of oblong-oval leaflets, rounded at the top and ending in a point. The flowers are collected in hemispherical umbrellas, sitting on long peduncles emerging from the axils of the upper leaves and exceeding the latter. Separate parts of the flower of various colors: the flag is pink; wings slightly longer than flag, whitish; the boat is pale lilac, dark purple above, the beak is elongated, sharp; the upper stamen is free, the rest are fused with filaments into a tube. Pods are elongated, with a thin nose at the apex, distinctly constricted and breaking up into several oblong one-seeded segments when ripe. Blooms all summer. Occurs in dry meadows,


Harvest the fruits and seeds of the tree. For this, lateral shoots with fruits are torn off. After drying, the stalks are removed. To obtain seeds, the fruits are threshed and the seeds are separated by sifting through a sieve.

Contains active substances:

Seeds of multi-colored velvet contain glycosides of the cardiac group; coroniside and coronillin, carbohydrate stachyose, fatty oil. Glycoside coroniside has a selective effect on the heart, similar in nature and strength to strophanthin. The plant is promising.

Medicinal use:

In folk medicine, an aqueous decoction of the herb is drunk for diseases caused by weight lifting, diathesis, bloody diarrhea and as a stomach ache.