Elm smooth (Ulmus laevis Pall.)

Elm smooth – Elm, or elm – a tall tree from the elm family. Other names: elm, birch bark


Tree up to 30 m tall with brown smooth, then cracking bark. The shoots are thin, light brown, shiny (in a similar rough elm – Ulmus scabra Mill .. the shoots are thick, dark brown rough). The leaves are rather large, obovate or oval, with a retracted pointed apex, unequal at the base, with one side of the leaf descending lower along the petiole and having a rounded base, while the other ends higher, narrowed or wedge-shaped at the base; along the edge sharply-twice-toothed, dark green above, gray-green below. The lateral veins of the leaf are traditionally unbranched. Petioles 3-6 cm long. The fruit is an oval lionfish with a nut in the center. The peduncle is several times longer than the lionfish. Blossoms in April, bears fruit in June. It occurs in broad-leaved and mixed leaves, most often in floodplains.

Medicinal use:

A decoction of the leaves is used for douching with whites.