Veronica longifolia (Veronica longifolia L.)

Veronica longifolia is a perennial herbaceous plant of the norichnikov family (Scrophula-riaceae). Other names: gourd, chest grass, snake grass.


Perennial plant with a straight, simple or slightly branched stem in the area of ​​the inflorescence, 50-150 cm in height. Leaves opposite or 3-4 in whorls, long and narrow, lanceolate or wider, ovate-lanceolate, gradually pointed, rounded or slightly cordate at the base, sharply serrate at the edge. The flowers are small, bluish-lilac, collected at the top of the stem and branches in long dense brushes. Veronica long-leaved blooms from June to September. It is often found in damp places, along the banks of streams and ditches, among shrubs and in forests.

Contains active substances:

Contains traces of alkaloids, vitamin C, carotene.

Medicinal use:

a water decoction of flowering Veronica longifolia is drunk for liver diseases; crushed fresh flowers are used for diaper rash.