Heather (Calluna vulgaris L.)

Heather ordinary – Evergreen, strongly branched shrub from the heather family (Ericaceae).


Evergreen shrub within 50-70 cm in height; leaves opposite, sessile, short-linear, very small, densely covering the stem and branches; flowers are small, dry, lilac, spherical, fragrant, in rare narrow racemes. Blossoms in July – August. Heather grows in pine trees, on sandy soil. Occurs frequently.

Contains active substances:

Contains tannins, arbutin, flavonoids, saponins, resin.

Medicinal use:

It has a diuretic effect and is used for kidney stones, a decoction of flowering branches of heather is drunk for rheumatism (considered a good remedy), for colds, fright, nervous diseases, dysentery; alcohol tincture of heather is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, baths are made for rheumatism, swelling of the legs due to diseases of the kidneys and heart, wounds are washed with a decoction; boiled grass is applied to bruised places, fractures, drink a decoction; festering wounds, places affected by eczema, burns, with tumors, wounds, dislocations are sprinkled with fine powder of flowers. Heather grass is official in the GDR for insomnia, as a diuretic; used in homeopathy for rheumatism, diseases of the bladder.