Adonis amurensis Regel et radde

Amur Adonis is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family. In the Far East, this species is widely distributed, reaching the Amur in the north of its range. Plants are poisonous. Other popular names: Amur adonis.


The height of this herbaceous plant is up to 40 cm, the rhizome is thick with cord-like roots. It has numerous stems, erect, ribbed, glabrous or slightly drooping. The upper part of the stems is branched, and the lower part is often covered with scales. The shape of the leaves is pentagonal or oval, palmately dissected into narrow, linear lobes. The flowers are large bright yellow, up to 5 cm in diameter, collected in compact “bunches” and placed on the tops of the shoots. The fruit is complex, consisting of numerous one-seeded nuts, most often ovoid. Adonis Amursky blooms from March to May, bears fruit from May to June. This plant does not form large thickets in nature. Reproduction by division and seeds.

Used for diseases:

decompensation of cardiac activity, kidney and colds, malaria, all kinds of colitis, convulsions, hysteria, shortness of breath and as a diuretic for dropsy and swelling of the legs.

Contains active substances:

cardiac glucosides cyarin, adonitoxin, flavonoid glucoside adonivernit, several other cardiac glucosides, saponins, adonite alcohol, phytosterol and mineral salts

Therapeutic use:

The herb infusion excites and regulates the activity of the heart, dilates the blood vessels of the heart and kidneys, increases heart contractions, evens out the rhythm of the heart and eliminates congestion. The infusion also has a diuretic, anticonvulsant, analgesic and sedative effect, which reduces the excitability of the central nervous system’s motor apparatus. The infusion is used for all kinds of cardiovascular diseases and especially for chronic heart failure and heart neuroses, and in combination with bromine – for increased nervous excitability, insomnia, convulsions, epilepsy and alcoholic psychosis. that is, the ability to accumulate action, due to the relatively low persistence of the active principles. The pharmaceutical industry also produces special products prepared from adonis: adonizide, dry extract and tablets (drops) adonis-bromine containing a dry concentrate of adonis, potassium bromide and codeine. The simplest medicine that can be prepared from Amur Adonis is an infusion:Medicinal infusion: 200 ml (almost a glass) of water per 6 g of dried and chopped grass. It will be necessary to take a tablespoon 2-3 times every day. The infusion prepared according to this recipe is enough for about 12 receptions. Cooking in large quantities is not recommended, as the infusion deteriorates during long storage. For making infusionplace the necessary amount of chopped grass in a clean vessel, then fill the grass with cold water, based on the proportion indicated above. Then, place the vessel in a pot of boiling water, stirring frequently, heat the contents of the vessel for 15 minutes. After that, it will be necessary to cool the infusion – at least 45 minutes. During cooling, the medicinal substances of Amur adonis pass into the infusion. You should not “simplify” the preparation of infusions by placing a vessel with medicinal raw materials and water directly on the fire. Many medicinal substances are characterized by low resistance and with such rough processing of raw materials they can be destroyed.


Harvesting should be carried out from mid-April to mid-June, until the fruits have crumbled. The grass should be cut at a height of 5-10 cm from the ground, leaving basal scaly leaves. The collected grass will need to be dried quickly. To do this, it is better to use a dryer with a temperature of 50-60 °. With slow drying, the activity of drugs prepared from the herb of adonis will be low.

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