Hemp seed

Active substances: Fatty oil, resin, vitamin K, choline, cholesterol, sugars, edestin, saponins, alkaloids, essential oil, phytoncides, carotene, cannabidiolic acid, tetrahydrocannabiol, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.

Family: Cannabis (Cannabinaceae)\r

Botanical description


Female plants are traditionally taller and more developed than male plants. Male plants are sometimes referred to as “cannabis hemp” or “manners”, while female plants are called “mothers”.\r

An annual herbaceous dioecious plant 30-180 cm high, with an upright branched stem 3 to 30 mm thick. Leaves opposite below, alternate above, deeply palmately divided, with lanceolate large-toothed lobes. Male flowers on pedicels, five-membered, whitish-green, collected in a paniculate branched inflorescence; female – with a rudimentary flower garden within, form a spike-shaped inflorescence, sit in the axils of the upper leaves.\r

Tap root with numerous lateral roots, penetrating up to 2 m deep. The root system of the mother is more powerful.\r

Hemp fiber (hemp) is a valuable technical raw material. In its stems is 15-25%, it is less elastic than flax, but has a greater strength. Twisted products (ropes, trawl strands, etc.) are made from a long fiber, rope, twine, cable yarn, cores for steel ropes, etc. are made from a short fiber. Tarpaulin, canvas, technical fabrics are also made from fiber.\r

The fruit is an achene hidden in the shell; traditionally it is called hempseed.\r

Blooms in June-July. Fruits in August-September.\r

Weight of 1000 seeds – 18-25 g\r



Grows in the Volga region, Western Siberia, Altai. Cultivated in the middle and southern strips of the European part of Russia.\r

Active ingredients


In total, within 400 organic compounds were found in hemp seed. Of these, about 60 were first discovered in it, which is why they are called “cannabinoids” (some of the cannabinoids are not found anywhere else in nature).\r

Seeds contain fatty oil (up to 40%), resin, vitamin K, choline, cholesterol, sugars, edestin, saponins. Alkaloids, essential oil, phytoncides, carotene were found in the grass.\r

Procurement and storage


Collect grass and tops of flowering female plants, rich in resin. The resin content varies depending on the growing area (from 6 to 20%); hemp from India is richest in resin. Dry the collected material at a temperature of 50-60 ° C in dryers or in the shade with natural heat. It is necessary to store the prepared raw materials in a dry, secluded place, packed in bags, bales or knapsacks. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.\r

The average yield of hemp fiber and seeds is 7-8 centners / ha, high – 12-15 centners / ha.\r

Healing action and application


In domestic medicine of the pre-revolutionary period, official extracts and tinctures from the herb of Indian hemp were used as an analgesic, sedative and mild hypnotic.\r

Hemp has a soothing, anti-inflammatory, hypnotic, sedative and analgesic effect. The juice of the herb is a laxative.\r

Emulsion: Hemp seeds are ground with water (1:10) until a milky liquid is obtained. Take 100 ml 3 times every day as a diuretic for kidney diseases, difficulty urinating in babies, cystitis, as well as a sedative for severe coughs.\r

Poultices: Hemp seeds have an analgesic, soothing effect in rheumatism, also in boils, edema, etc.

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