Kalanchoe pinnate

Active substances: tannins, vitamin P, polysaccharides, aluminum, magnesium, iron, calcium, silicon, manganese, copper.

This is a perennial succulent evergreen herbaceous plant of the Crassulaceae family, 50-150 cm high, of a bluish color. The stem is straight, powerful, woody at the base. The root is short, strongly branched. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, juicy, thick, light green with a reddish tinge, elliptical or ovate. Flowers bisexual, erect, up to 3.5 cm long, collected in apical paniculate inflorescences. The corolla tube is pale greenish pink. The fruits are leaflets with numerous small seeds.\r

Blooms in winter indoors annually.\r

Habitats. Spreading.


Homeland Kalanchoe pinnate – tropical Africa, Madagascar, Cape Verde Islands, Reunion Island, Canary Islands.\r

We are bred as an ornamental houseplant. After the creation of a pinnate medicinal product from the leaves of Kalanchoe, its industrial culture was started in the greenhouses of Kyiv. At present, Kalanchoe plantations have been created at the experimental base of the Transcaucasian Experimental Station VILR, as well as in the Kobuleti and Shua-Khorg farms (Georgia).\r

Procurement and quality of raw materials.


In the raw materials of Kalanchoe there should be at least 75% moisture, total ash no more than 2%. Raw materials must contain the necessary amount of catechins and tannins. To obtain Kalanchoe juice (intermediate), freshly cut or stored for no more than 7 days in a dark place at 5-10 ° C green mass (young leafy shoots) is used. To do this, the leaves and stems are crushed, squeezed, the juice is settled for 1-3 days at a temperature of 4-10 ° C, filtered, added to 5-liter bottles. Store at a temperature not exceeding 10°C. The storage period is 1 year.\r

Chemical composition.


The juice of the leaves and stems of Kalanchoe contains tannins, vitamin P, polysaccharides, as well as micro and macro elements: aluminum, magnesium, iron, calcium, silicon, manganese, copper.\r

Application in medicine.


Kalanchoe juice and ointment have anti-inflammatory properties, promote faster cleansing of wounds and ulcers from necrotic tissues and rapid epithelialization of the wound and ulcerative plane. Used as an external agent. In surgical practice, juice and ointment are used for purulent-necrotic processes, for the treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower leg, bedsores, fistulas, for skin grafting, and for preparing wounds for secondary sutures. In dental practice, juice is used for gingivitis, acute diffuse, catarrhal, subacute and chronic forms of hypertonic catarrhal gingivitis, paradanthosis, aphthous stomatitis. In obstetric and gynecological practice, Kalanchoe juice and ointment are used for wounds, bedsores, ruptures after childbirth, nipple cracks, cervical erosion, endocervitis.