
Name: Burdock

Other names: Burdock, Dedovnik.

Diseases and effects: gout, urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, stomatitis, acne vulgaris, eczema, burns, rheumatism, dropsy, gastritis, hair loss.

Active substances: polysaccharide inulin, sterols stigmasterol and sitosterol, tannins and bitter substances, ascorbic and caffeic acids, resins, mineral salts, arctipicrin sesquiterpene lactone.

Collection time:  March – April, September – October

Botanical description\r


Procurement rules\r

Medical value\r

Use in rituals\r

Botanical description


Biennial, large, herbaceous plant, 60-180 cm high, with a thick taproot, slightly branched root. In the first year, several large petiolate leaves develop. In the second year, an upright, longitudinally furrowed, reddish stem strongly branching in the upper part grows. Branches protruding, pubescent. Stem leaves petiolate, heart-shaped-ovate, large-toothed, green above, with sparse hairs, grayish felt below. Flowers in spherical baskets, reaching 3-3.5 cm in diameter and forming corymbose brushes on the tops of the stems and its branches in the form of a corymbose inflorescence. The fruit is an oblong, ribbed achene with a tuft. Blossoms in July-August, bears fruit in September-October.\r



It is found in the southern steppe regions rather infrequently, only along the beams and river valleys. Grows in weedy places, under fences, walls of buildings, but the periphery of gardens, in parks, also in humid forests. Sometimes it forms small thickets, but more often it grows in small groups and single specimens. Stocks of raw materials are large, but every year they are decreasing.\r

Procurement rules


The raw materials are the roots of plants of the first year. They are harvested in the fall, in September-October or early spring before regrowth begins in March-April. They dig with shovels, shake off the ground, cut off the aerial parts and thin roots, wash in cold iodine, and then peel off the bark.\r

The collected roots are dried in the open air, on cuttings under an iron roof or under sheds with good ventilation, spreading a thin layer (3-5 cm) on paper or cloth.\r

The raw material consists of fleshy, non-lignified pieces of roots 10-25 cm long, peeled from the bark, grayish-brown outside, pale gray inside. The smell is weak, peculiar. The taste is sweet with a slimy feel. Humidity is not higher than 13%. The content of roots with the remains of stems is allowed in the raw material – no more than 1%, browned roots-pieces with a length of less than 2 cm – no more than 5%, organic impurities (parts of other plants) – no more than 0.5%, mineral – no more than 1% .\r

Packed in bags or bales. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas.\r

In Ukraine, there are several types of burdock, which can also be used on a par with greater burdock, the most common of which is cobweb burdock.\r

medical significance


Burdock roots contain the polysaccharide inulin (up to 45%), essential (up to 0.18%) and fatty (up to 0.8%) oils, sterols (stigmasterol, sitosterol), tannins and bitter substances, ascorbic and caffeic acids, resins and mineral salts. The presence of tannins, mucus, sesquiterpene lactone arctipicrin and a non-cordinal amount of essential oil were found in the leaves.\r

Burdock roots have a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and antimicrobial effect, stimulate mineral metabolism, contribute to the deposition of glycogen in the liver, and improve the insulin-forming function of the pancreas.\r

It is used internally for gout, urolithiasis, mild diabetes mellitus, externally for stomatitis, acne vulgaris, eczema, burns.\r

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions are also used for rheumatism, dropsy, gastritis with habitual constipation, and diabetes. In case of skin diseases, an infusion or decoction of the roots is taken internally as a blood purifier, with itching of the skin, rashes, acne, eczema, boils, and is also used externally in the form of washings.\r

Infusion of roots (or leaves) is used for rinsing with inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx. Sometimes fresh or soaked dry burdock leaves are used as a wound healing agent. They are applied directly to burns, ulcers, non-healing wounds.\r

Burdock root products are especially popular as a remedy for strengthening hair in case of hair loss. Infusion or decoction of the roots is washed and wiped every other day the scalp.\r

An infusion of burdock root in almond or olive oil (sunflower oil is also possible) is a well-known “burdock” oil used to strengthen hair.\r

Prepare products as follows. The crushed raw materials (10 g) are poured into 200 ml of water, heated in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes, filtered and boiled water is added to the original volume.\r

Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times daily.\r

A teaspoon of crushed roots is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted overnight and filtered. Used for rinsing the mouth (for stomatitis).\r

To strengthen hair and prevent hair loss, a decoction of 20 g of burdock roots, 10 g of marigold inflorescences (calendula) and 1 liter of water is also recommended. Boil 10-15 min. and after cooling (at room temperature) filter. A warm decoction is rubbed into the scalp 1 time in three days.\r

An infusion of burdock leaves protects cabbage from caterpillars and destroys other pests. It is necessary to finely chop the entire burdock plant, pour water so that it covers the entire mass and insist for three days. Then half a bucket of infusion is poured with the same amount of water, 40 g of soap are added and cabbage is sprayed during the flight of cabbage butterflies. Repeat the treatment after a week.\r

Application in rituals


Burdock (burdock) in the rite “Blinding of misfortune” to protect against adversity \r

You will need a large burdock root (necessarily the first year of life, thick, juicy, at least 30 cm long), a wax candle (purchased with an overpayment), a needle with a red thread threaded into its eye, a piece of natural fabric (preferably linen), a knife with a wooden pen.\r

Manipulations are carried out on the waning moon before noon.\r

Dig up the root, touch it, fall three times! chest with the sign of the cross say quietly: “Glory to Dazhbog, our consubstantial Lord! Come to me, sweet little spine. I will already sew you a spacious bag, knot by knot, stitch by stitch. What I do is to know, to attack an evil one, I blind a magical one. I sew, I excommunicate, I drive away. I call on the Light Forces for help. For so it is commanded!”\r

Bring the root home discreetly, avoiding prying (neighborly) eyes, and it is desirable that you do not meet a woman on the way back. If this nevertheless happened, then, passing by her, say to yourself: “This woman is not my problem, although it seems that she is. The Lord says: “Go away! Slave (y) (your name received at baptism, consecration or magic name) bypass, do not cling: do not raise a dashing eye, do not tear your heart. Exactly.\r

Returning to the house (apartment), sit comfortably at the table and place the root on the fabric. Light a candle and set to the left. On the root with a knife, make three shallow cuts (with an interval of 10 cm from one another). At the same time, for each say three times: “I cut, I cut, I cut off. I won’t let anyone into the house. I cut everything, I cut it, I cut it off, I blind it forever. She will no longer walk, lead round dances, poison me, (name), life. My word is strong.\r

Fold the fabric in half (wrapping the root with it) and, as it turns out, start sewing the bag. But so that the fabric tightly fits the root. The needle must be in the left hand. Read the plot with the first stitches:\r

“ Left hand, not right! Whoever comes with trouble will leave without eyes. And attack itself, from me, (name), forever away! Do not get used to her, do not cling to her, do not put down roots. And I, (name), be with the Lord. From now on and forever. Commanded.\r

When the thread starts to run out (at the beginning of the sewing manipulations, its length must be at least 30 cm), tie the ends with three knots. At the same time, as you exhale, say: “I knit, I knit already blind. Just like it’s supposed to be!”\r

Extinguish the candle (without blowing it out) and at midnight of the new day take the cinder (together with the bag) and bury it (to a depth of at least 30 cm) in a place where people do not often visit. Carefully level the ground with your feet, repeating the plot three times:\r

“ Alive , but blind. Here to age, here to die, to me, the servant (e) of God (her) (name), do not know the road. Commanded so by a word faithful, tested, sanctified.\r

Leave silently, without looking back. If on the way back you still meet a female representative, then this technique does not suit you and you will need to look for another ritual.\r

After crossing the threshold of the apartment, wash your hands under running water and go to bed.\r

In the morning visit, put a candle at your home, covering the table with a white tablecloth, in memory of your P not often.\r

Do not take anything out of the house for three days, do not take it into the house, do not mark the floors. If there were problems in the family, then they will leave.\r

The description of the rite was provided by the Sorcerer Mstislav.