
Other names: Bud grass.

Diseases and effects: hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding, atonic and spastic constipation.

Active substances: tannins, flavone glycosides, organic acids, sugar, alkaloids.

Collection time:  July – August

Buckwheat family – Polygonaceae\r

An annual herbaceous plant. The stem is ascending in the lower part, straight above, no more than 50 cm in height, branching in the upper part. The leaves are green, with a brown spot in the middle of the upper plane, lanceolate. At the base of the leaves are small bells covering the stem; they are formed by fused stipules. Pink or whitish flowers are collected in dense brushes at the ends of the branches. Blooms from mid-June to mid-September.\r

Distributed in Primorye, on Sakhalin and in the southern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory. It grows mainly in damp places: along the banks of rivers and ditches, in wet fields and vegetable gardens.\r

Tannins, flavone glycosides, organic acids, sugar, traces of alkaloids were found in the grass of the knotweed. The toxicity of the herb knotweed is very low. In an experimental study, along with other effects, a laxative effect of the herb was revealed.\r

In medical practice, the herb Knotweed is used as an infusion and liquid extract in the treatment of hemorrhoids and uterine bleeding. Not often it is also used as a gentle laxative for atonic and spastic constipation. V.N. Dusitz (1968), who conducted an experimental and clinical study of kidney herb, writes that with systematic use, the products of this plant eliminate chronic constipation in patients. They also have a number of other beneficial effects: bleeding from hemorrhoids and pain stop, the nodes shrink. The diuretic effect of the product was also noted.\r

To prepare the infusion for one and a half glasses of water, take a teaspoon of chopped herbs, boil for 15 minutes. Then they insist for two hours and, finally, filter. Take an infusion of half a cup 3 times every day before meals. V.N. Dushin used a 10% infusion, that is, he took within 20 g of dry chopped grass per glass of water. He prescribed such an infusion in doses of 20 to 100 ml per dose 3 times every day for 26-35 days.\r

In folk medicine, the grass of the mountaineer is also used externally as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is used in the form of poultices for hemorrhoids, less often for rheumatism.\r

Grass mountaineer kidney harvested in July – August. Harvest the upper parts of leafy flower-bearing stems 30-40 cm long. The cut grass is laid out in a thin layer for drying in the attic or under a canopy. It cannot be dried in the sun, because under the influence of direct sunlight the grass becomes brown.