
Other names: Barvin, Forest Periwinkle, Barivets, Varvinok, Cornflower, Grave Grass, Zelenka, Burial Ground, Burial Ground, Noyushka, Paduchnitsa, Ivy, Povoy, Sinilnik, Uvenok, Khreshchatyk.

Diseases and effects: dizziness, headache, migraine, hypertension, diarrhea, fever, malaria, nosebleed, lung haemorrhage, uterine haemorrhage, toothache, weeping eczema, rash, pruritus, Hodgkin’s disease, hematosarcoma, multiple myeloma, choriocarcinoma , neurogenic tachycardia, sexual weakness.

Active substances: serpentine, aimalicin, lochnerin, vinblastine, vincristine, vincamine, leurosine, ursolic acid, vitamin C, carotene, rutin, flavonoids, bitter substances, tannins, saponins, sugar.

Collection time:  May – June Botanical description\rDistribution\rChemical composition\rPharmacological properties\rUsage in medicine\rCultivation\rPreparation\rDoses, dosage forms and method of application\rContraindications for use\rMyths, legends, beliefs\rPractical use in magic\rThanks\r \r

Botanical description of small periwinkle 


Perennial evergreen herbaceous plant – semi-shrub with a thin horizontal rhizome. Kutrovye family – Apocynaceae.


Vegetative stems lying, up to 100-150 cm long, rooting. Generative stems erect, up to 30-35 cm high.


Wintering leaves , 2-4 cm long, glabrous, opposite, oblong-elliptical, with sharp tips, not often blunt, leathery, shiny, green above, gray-green below. Periwinkle leaves are placed opposite, 2 or 3 leaves in a ring.


Flowers solitary, large (within 2.5 cm in diameter), azure, not numerous, one in the axils of the leaves, on long erect peduncles (pedicels) with a short calyx. Corolla blue, funnel-shaped, five-parted, with a narrow, long tube, slightly swollen in the middle, with a flat wheel-like five-lobed blue or pink limb. The stigma is thick, pubescent.


The fruit  is an oblong leaf, arcuately curved.


Plants begin to bloom at the end of April. Mass flowering occurs in May and lasts until autumn. After flowering, the two parts of the ovary (carpels) diverge to the sides, from which 2 leaflets with seeds without tufts open with one seam develop. The fruits begin to ripen from June.\r

Distribution of Periwinkle Lesser 


It grows along the edges of forests, steppe slopes, in the bushes of the European part of Russia, in Ukraine, in the Crimea and in the Caucasus.


The chemical composition of periwinkle small 


More than 50 indole alkaloids have been isolated in periwinkle minor , of which two groups of bases are of practical interest. One of them is similar in therapeutic effect to rauwolfia alkaloids – serpentine, aimalicin, lochnerine, etc. The second group of bases is represented by dimeric indole alkaloids: vinblastine, vincristine, leurosine, and compounds close to them that have antitumor activity.


Vinca alkaloids have some chemical similarities with reserpine. According to the mechanism of biological action at the cellular level, alkaloids are classified as mitotic poisons. It also contains ursolic acid, carotene (within 8%), rutin, flavonoids, bitter substances, tannins, saponins, sugar.


Pharmacological properties of small periwinkle 


Vinca preparations have sedative, hypotensive, vasodilating, hemostatic, antimicrobial and astringent properties.


Alkaloid devincan moderately lowers blood pressure and has sedative properties. The mechanism of hypotensive action is based on the ability to lower vascular tone and peripheral vascular resistance. Devinkan also expands the vessels of the brain.


Vincamine alkaloid improves cerebral circulation and oxygen utilization by brain tissues. In this regard, vincamine and its derivatives are used in the treatment of patients with impaired cerebral circulation.


Use in medicine periwinkle small 


Periwinkle has been used since ancient medicine as a sedative, reducing dizziness and headaches, and lowering blood pressure.


It is used orally for migraine, the initial stages of hypertension, diarrhea, fever, malaria, bleeding from the nose, lungs, uterus, externally for rinsing with toothache and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, lotions for weeping eczema, rashes, skin itching, for overgrowing wounds.


The alkaloid vinblastine is used in medical practice under the name “Rozevin” for the treatment of lymphogranulomatosis, hematosarcoma, myeloma, choriocarcinoma.


The drugs vinkapan and devinkan have a vasodilating effect (mainly on the vessels of the brain), hypotensive and slight sedative effects. They are used for hypertension, spasms of cerebral vessels, neurogenic tachycardia and other autonomic neuroses. The hypotensive effect of the products is especially pronounced in patients with stage I-II hypertension, less than stage III.


Periwinkle preparations have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, increase the resistance of capillaries, and increase daily diuresis. The effect of the treatment lasts up to 3 months.


Growing periwinkle small 


Periwinkle is usually propagated by dividing the roots. A piece of land previously prepared for growing these plants is furrowed with a row spacing of 60 cm. Plants are planted in rows at a distance of 40 cm from one another, to a depth of 8-10 cm. Planting can be done in autumn or early spring, while there is moisture in the soil. After planting, the plants develop rapidly and already in the first year they bloom profusely and develop several creeping, richly leafy stems. In September, the plants begin to form new offspring.


During the growing season, planting care consists of keeping the soil loose and free of weeds. During flowering, top dressing of 100-150 kg/ha of ammonium nitrate is carried out. In the summer it is necessary to water 2-3 times.


Harvesting small periwinkle 


For medicinal purposes, the leaves are used during the flowering of the plant. Collect the aerial part – grass, until June, cutting it at a height of 3-5 cm from the ground. Dry in open places or in well-ventilated rooms, laying out a layer of 3-5 cm, in bad weather – under a canopy or in dryers at a temperature of 40-50 ° C. Keep 2 years.


After pruning, the plants grow back, and before the end of summer you can get another crop.


During the collection of grass and in the preparation of medicines from periwinkle direct, it will be necessary to adhere to the rules of behavior with poisonous plants.


Doses, dosage forms and method of administration of periwinkle minor 


An infusion of small periwinkle grass is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. raw materials (crushed leaves) per 200 ml of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, filter, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times every day for hypertension.



Infusion of herbs with flowers

prescribed for sexual weakness. 15 g of raw materials are heated to a boil in 250 ml of vodka, boiled for 5 minutes. Take 5 drops in the morning and evening for 4 days, then interrupt the treatment for 2 days, after which the course is repeated.



A decoction of the herb is used for washing wounds, ulcers, with itchy dermatitis. 1 st. l. raw materials for 250 ml of boiling water. Boil 10 min.


Vinkapan (Vincapanum) – a product containing the amount of alkaloids of Vinca minor. Assign inside of 0.005-0.010 g 2-3 times every day, doses for children are set depending on age.


The medical product “Vinkapan” is available in tablets. Take 1/2-2 tablets 2-3 times every day.


Devincan is a methyl ester of vkamic acid. It has a vasodilating and hypotensive effect, gives a weak sedative effect. The drug acts mainly on the vessels of the brain, improving the blood supply to the brain tissue. In this regard, it is used mainly in the cerebral form of hypertension, including crises. It is also prescribed for systemic increase in blood pressure (BP) and for neurogenic tachycardia.


The drug “Devinkan” is available in tablets and ampoules. It acts mainly on the vessels of the brain, improving the blood supply to the brain tissue. Applied with a cerebral form of hypertension, with neurogenic tachycardia.


Apply devinkan inside and intramuscularly. Treatment continues traditionally for several weeks. Before the end of treatment, gradually reduce the dose. Intramuscular injections of the product are made only in a hospital setting. After the condition improves, they switch to taking pills.


Contraindications to the use of periwinkle minor 


The small periwinkle plant is poisonous! It is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations, drink infusions under the supervision of a qualified phytotherapeutist.


Myths, legends, beliefs associated with periwinkle lesser 


Many peoples attribute magical powers to the periwinkle: in the Alps, wreaths are made from it and hung over windows, believing that this protects against lightning strikes; the Romans believed that the goddess Flora gave the periwinkle a long flowering, large flowers and a name – “winning first”; in Ukraine, the heads of brides and hairstyles of young girls were decorated with periwinkle; The Germans believed that the periwinkle had the ability to ward off evil spirits.


Mention of the periwinkle is found in the writings of Pliny and Dioscorides.


In the Middle Ages, the periwinkle became a symbol of eternity and constancy. It was the favorite flower of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.


Practical application in magic periwinkle lesser 


Most often, the small periwinkle is used as a plant-amulet, which reliably protects against the evil eye and damage, but for this it will need to be collected in the fall, between two holidays in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the Assumption (August 28/August 15) and Christmas (September 21/ 8 September)[*]. If you carry a periwinkle plucked at this time with you, then evil spirits will not have any power over the wearer.


It is recommended to use the periwinkle as a protective talisman for the house, protecting it from the influence of harmful vibrations. To do this, hang a periwinkle over the front door. It is believed that then neither the sorcerer nor the witch will be able to enter the house.


Many witches use periwinkle to preserve their youth and beauty for many years. This is due to the incredible “survivability” of the periwinkle itself.


Periwinkle is also used in love magic. It helps to maintain good relations between lovers. If, parting, the lovers take flowers from the same bouquet, then during the whole parting they will not forget about each other, and no one will change their love. Periwinkle contributes to the preservation of constancy and devotion in love. It is not often that the periwinkle is used to restore broken relationships, to reconcile the warring. To do this, each of the quarreled must be presented with one periwinkle flower that grew nearby.


Popular beliefs say that a periwinkle planted in the garden brings happiness to all the inhabitants of the house, both in personal life and in public.


Periwinkle promotes mantic practices, increasing the likelihood of predictions and prophecies.


It is recommended to carry the periwinkle with you to those people who have to communicate a lot, as it gives a person the gift of eloquence. It is believed that the plant contributes to the development of communication skills: a person’s speech becomes more coherent and attractive, more strength and conviction appear in it. Nowadays, the periwinkle is recommended as an amulet to advertising agents and dealers.


Having a periwinkle with him becomes attractive. The magical properties of periwinkle endow a person with an inner light, make him noticeable not due to a change in physical qualities, but due to an internal state of mind. The flower helps to gain self-confidence, as a result of which the charisma of a person changes, that is, a certain mystical charm. To the one who uses the periwinkle as an amulet plant, different people will reach out, looking for company, attention and location.


It is not often advised to use periwinkle to strengthen memory and develop concentration and attention.


You can only throw the periwinkle into the water.




The main gratitude goes to Ethernity, the author of the article.


[*]  — the correction was made by melkior, for which special thanks to him.