Badan pacific

Diseases and effects: non-communicable diseases of the digestive tract, acute alkaloid poisoning, cervical erosion, colpitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, pneumonia, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Active substances: tannins gallotannins, tannin, bergenin, arbutin, hydroquinone.

Saxifragaceae family – Saxifragaceae\r

Perennial herbaceous plant with large thick leathery leaves collected in a basal rosette. The leaves are elliptical, rounded at the apex, cuneate or obtuse at the base. Their petioles are shorter than the leaf blades. By autumn, the dark green color of the leaves is replaced by red. Flowering stem reddish, its height reaches 30-45 cm; sometimes one scaly leaf develops on the stem. The stem ends in a paniculate inflorescence consisting of semi-umbels of pink flowers that bloom in July.\r

Distributed in Primorye and the Lower Amur region. According to A.P. Nechaev (1949), it is also found in the upper part of the river valley. Chorus. It grows on the outskirts of scree along the upper border of the forest or among shrubs. Usually forms thickets.\r

The Pacific badan is very close to the thick-leaved badan growing in Siberia and is a species that replaces it in the Far East. V.N. Voroshilov (1966) indicates that it differs from thick-leaved bergenia in smaller leaves slightly tapering towards the base and more simply arranged inflorescences. The insignificance of differences between these species leads to the fact that sometimes in the literature on medicinal plants only thick-leaved bergenia is indicated, and the range of Pacific bergenia is also included in its distribution zone (see, for example, G.V. Krylov, 1969).\r

In the rhizomes of badan thick-leaved, up to 25-27% of tannins related to gallotannins (including up to 10% of tannin), one of the isocoumarin derivatives, called bergenin, and a number of other substances were found. The leaves of the plant, in addition to a large amount of tannins, contain 18-20% arbutin, 2-4% free hydroquinone, more than 200 mg% of vitamin C.\r

A pharmacological study revealed the ability of bergenia thick-leaved products to constrict blood vessels and thicken the vascular wall. Their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects have also been revealed.\r

A liquid extract containing a lot of bergenine and tannins is prepared from the rhizomes of the badan thick-leaved. It is used in the treatment of non-infectious diseases of the digestive tract. The extract can also be used in the treatment of acute alkaloid poisoning (including alkaloid-bearing plants). Locally, an extract of bergenia rhizomes is sometimes used in the conservative treatment of cervical erosion, with colpitis. For douching, dissolve a tablespoon of the extract in a liter of boiled water.\r

In folk medicine, the powder of dry rhizomes of bergenia is used in the treatment of weeping rashes and as a wound healing agent (Brekhman and Kurentsova, 1961). Rhizome extract is used for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth (Krylov, 1969). In Eastern Transbaikalia, bergenia products are used in the treatment of pneumonia, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gastrointestinal diseases. They are also used as antipyretics (Varlakov, 1932).\r

The attention of medical workers deserves the leaves of bergenia. The high content of arbutin makes them a promising tool for the treatment of urinary tract infections (along with bearberry products and other plants of this group). Now old bergenia leaves are used in everyday life to prepare a drink that relieves fatigue, known as Mongolian or Chagir tea (Krylov, 1969).\r

To prepare an extract of bergenia rhizomes at home, three tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water and evaporated over low heat to half the original volume. A decoction of the roots is prepared at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of water. You can also prepare a decoction of the leaves. Take decoctions of 30 drops 2-3 times every day.\r

The main medicinal raw material of bergenia is a thick horizontal rhizome, the length of which reaches 50 cm. The rhizomes freed from adhering soil are first dried, hanging them under a canopy, and then dried in dryers. Badan leaves are also dried in dryers.\r

The plant develops rather slowly, therefore it is necessary to re-harvest rhizomes in the same place no more than once every 10 years; leaves can be harvested every 3-4 years (Krylov, 1969).