Potentilla erectus

zavyaznik, drevlyanka, oak root, whisperer, ovary root.

Potentilla erecta (L.) Hampe]Perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family, up to 50 cm high. The rhizome is short, thick, woody, horizontal, unevenly thickened, dark brown on the outside, dark red on the inside, with thin adventitious roots. Stems are erect, thin, leafy, branched at the top. Basal leaves on long thin petioles, trifoliate, rarely dissected into 4 or 5 segments, dying off by the time of flowering; stem – sessile, trifoliate, stipules large, leaf-like. The flowers are yellow, solitary, on long thin pedicels emerging from the axils of the upper leaves; calyx double, with 4 outer and 4 inner alternating lobules; corolla 4-petal. Plants bloom in the 5-7th year of life. The fruit is a multi-nutlet, the nuts are ovoid or slightly kidney-shaped, smooth, less often slightly wrinkled, dark olive. Blossoms in May – August, fruits ripen in 3 weeks after flowering. Propagated by seeds and rhizomes. Distributed in the European part of the CIS, in the Urals and in the adjacent regions of Western Siberia, also in the Caucasus. Grows on fresh moist sandy, sandy loamy and loamy soils in light forests, glades, clearings, forest edges, clearings, clearings, pastures, marshes, along streams and rivers. One of the most popular medicinal plants among the people. In old legends, the erect cinquefoil is called “powerful” for the great power that it supposedly possessed. According to legend, the living water that Ruslan was revived with was taken from the spring within which this herb grew. In the Middle Ages, the popularity of this plant as a medicine was very high, because only Potentilla erect gave an effect in the treatment of dysentery.


Medicinal raw materials are the rhizomes of the erect cinquefoil, which are harvested in autumn (September – October), after the death of the aerial parts, or in the spring, at the beginning of the regrowth of leaves. Dug out rhizomes with roots are freed from the sod, shaken off the ground and cut off the roots. After that, the rhizomes are washed in running water and dried. Repeated harvesting at the same place is possible in 6-7 years. You can dry the rhizomes in dryers, in the open air or in a closed ventilated room, scattering them in a thin layer on the racks. Dryers should be dried at a temperature not exceeding 60°C. Fast drying contributes to the preservation of a larger amount of active substances, then the oxidation of tannins to flobafen occurs partially. The shelf life of raw materials is 4 years. The taste of raw materials is strongly astringent, the smell is weak, fragrant.


The rhizomes of the plant exhibit astringent, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic action. The local anti-inflammatory effect is associated with tannins that can create a biological film that protects tissues from chemical, bacterial and mechanical effects that accompany inflammation. At the same time, the permeability of capillaries decreases and the vessels narrow. The general anti-inflammatory effect is associated with the effect of flavonoids. In addition, the plant has an expectorant and choleretic effect.


Olive oil tincture – in the treatment of skin cracks. The decoction is recommended for the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis. Rhizomes. Decoction – for diarrhea, also for rinsing with stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis. Fresh are used in homeopathy. In folk medicine, decoction, tincture – for diarrhea, dysentery, internal bleeding. Outwardly – with tonsillitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, with bleeding wounds, ulcers, burns, weeping eczema, as a result of deformation of periodontal pockets, with periodontal disease. Decoction – with ulcerative colitis, lung diseases; infusion – in diseases of the kidneys; ointment – for wounds and panaritiums, cracks in the skin and lips. Juice – for liver diseases. Powder – powder on wounds, with burns, for the treatment of weeping wounds, ulcers, with external bleeding; they can be used to brush your teeth to prevent gum disease and eliminate bad breath. It is part of gastric and antidiarrheal collections, collections – for diseases of the kidneys, bladder; with mycosis. In European countries, it is also used for jaundice, liver diseases, gout, rheumatism, malaria; externally – with hemorrhoids, hematomas and whites. Aboveground part. Anthelmintic. Infusion – with hemorrhoidal bleeding and hemoptysis, with whites, as a diuretic; externally – with gingivitis and laryngitis. The leaves are used for fever. Aboveground part. Anthelmintic. Infusion – with hemorrhoidal bleeding and hemoptysis, with whites, as a diuretic; externally – with gingivitis and laryngitis. The leaves are used for fever. Aboveground part. Anthelmintic. Infusion – with hemorrhoidal bleeding and hemoptysis, with whites, as a diuretic; externally – with gingivitis and laryngitis. The leaves are used for fever.


A decoction of rhizomes of Potentilla erect (Decoctum rhizona Potentillae): 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured into 200 ml of water at room temperature, boiled in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, cooled, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times every day for 1-1.5 hours before meals. With hemorrhoids, they are used in the form of lotions and baths. The rhizomes of Potentilla erect are produced in the form of briquettes. Two briquettes are poured with 200 ml of boiling water, boiled in a water bath for 30 minutes, then filtered. Applied in the same way as a decoction.♦ Ointment from the rhizomes of Potentilla erect: 5 g of powdered rhizomes are boiled for 15 minutes in 200 g of butter.


Rhizomes are used as a spice for canned fish and in the alcoholic beverage industry for the preparation of aromatic tinctures. In veterinary medicine – as a hemostatic, for diarrhea. Fabrics are dyed red, black and brown. Suitable for tanning leather. Leaves stain fabrics fawn. Feed for cattle, goats, sheep, pigs.


Propagated by seeds and cuttings of rhizomes. The plant prefers acidic, humus-poor soils. Seeds are sown superficially in rows with a distance of 40-45 cm between them. Rhizomes are placed at the same distance. After sowing or planting, the soil is watered and sprinkled with a sod-humus mixture. During the growing season, plants are constantly watered and fed in spring and mid-summer with nitroammophos at the rate of 20-30 g per 1 m 2 . Seedlings begin to bloom in the 5th year of life. The annual growth of rhizomes is 3-15 g. The roots are harvested 4-5 years after sowing.