Potentilla goose

(Potentilla anserina L.)Perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family, with a thick, short rhizome. Stems thin, simple, creeping, rooting at the nodes, up to 15 cm long. Basal leaves are numerous, on expanded white-tomentose petioles, intermittently pinnate. The lower stem leaves are similar to the basal leaves, but with shorter petioles, the upper ones are reduced, their leaves are few or represented by stipules alone. Flowers golden-yellow, solitary, rarely 2, on long stalks exceeding the leaves; petals – 5. The fruit is a multi-nutlet. Blossoms from May to August, fruits ripen in August – September. Distributed throughout the European part of the CIS. It grows on moist and damp soils in open places, in meadows, forest clearings, weedy places, pastures, along roads, among shrubs, along rivers and reservoirs.


Grass is harvested during the flowering period, and rhizomes (Rhizoma Potentillae) in the fall, after the death of the aerial parts (September – October) or in the spring, at the beginning of the regrowth of leaves (April). Dry in well-ventilated rooms and dryers at a temperature of 60°C. The shelf life of the herb is 2 years, and the rhizomes 5 years. The taste of the leaves is tart. The rhizome is reddish-brown outside, yellowish-white inside.


The plant has anticonvulsant, analgesic, diuretic, astringent, hemostatic and wound-healing effects, regulates the metabolism in the body.


Rhizomes. In Tibetan and Mongolian medicine – antiseptic for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and dyspepsia. In folk medicine, decoction, infusion and tincture – for dysentery, diarrhea, urolithiasis, tumors, hernia, scurvy; externally – with tonsillitis, gingivitis, ulcerative stomatitis; in the form of ointments – for cracked lips. Juice – volatile, like a lotion on wounds. Rhizomes, aerial part. In folk medicine, the infusion is used for scurvy, gastritis, colitis, dysentery, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, cholecystitis, abdominal pain, uterine bleeding, kidney stone disease. Aerial part. Diuretic, analgesic, hemostatic, wound healing and antispasmodic. In homeopathy – with algomenorrhea. In folk medicine, decoction and infusion – for diarrhea, spasms of the stomach and intestines, uteroptosis, algomenorrhea, nephrolithiasis, convulsive diseases; externally – with bleeding gums and ulcerative gingivitis, rashes, acne, bleeding wounds; for baths – with arthralgia. Tincture – with kidney stone disease, tuberculosis. It is part of the anticonvulsant collection (bath) for babies. Goat milk infusion is a diuretic. Juice – with cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, hemoptysis, menopausal bleeding; externally in the form of rinses – for ulcers in the oral cavity, to strengthen the gums, in the form of lotions – for rashes, acne, bleeding wounds, eczema, dermatitis, in the form of baths – for pain in the joints. In German folk medicine – with a convulsive state of the muscles, especially the calf, also with suffocation; externally in the form of rinses – for toothache, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, to strengthen the gums, with scurvy, in the form of lotions – with all kinds of rashes, ulcers, bleeding wounds. Leaves. Used for scurvy. Decoction – for liver diseases; fresh crushed – wound healing. Flowers. Decoction – for diseases of the kidneys. Seeds. A decoction in milk – with whites, algomenorrhea.


♦ Decoction of goose cinquefoil rhizomes: 5-10 g of raw materials are poured into 500 ml of hot boiled water, boiled for 20 minutes, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon after 2 hours. ♦ Potentilla goose herb infusion: 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured into 200 ml of hot boiled water, insisted for 2 hours, then filtered. Take 2 tablespoons every 2 hours. ♦ Potentilla goose herb decoction: boil 20 g of raw materials in 200 ml of water, leave for 2 hours, then filter. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times every day before meals. ♦ Infusion of herbs with rhizomes of goose cinquefoil: 20 g of raw material is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour, then filtered. Take 1 cup 2-3 times every day.♦ Decoction of goose cinquefoil seeds: 5-10 g of raw materials are boiled in 200 ml of milk for 5 minutes, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 2 times every day in the morning and evening. ♦ Potentilla goose herb juice: cooked grass (collected during the flowering period of plants) is scalded with boiling water, passed through a meat grinder, squeezed out the juice, diluted with hot water (1: 2) and boiled. Take 1/3 cup 4 times every day before meals. For painful menstruation, take 1/4-1/3 cup of juice 4-5 times every day before meals, as a warm compress, simultaneously apply to the lower abdomen. * The plant is poisonous to horses!


Rhizomes are used for dyeing fabrics in sand, light and black-brown colors. Boiled is eaten with butter, dried and ground can replace flour. Leaves are a substitute for tea. Used to prepare soups, salads, seasonings for various dishes. They contain a lot of ascorbic acid and are readily eaten by geese. Leaves and flowers stain fabrics brown. Honey plant. Decorative.


Flour, cinquefoil groats.

Peel the rhizomes from small roots, rinse thoroughly with cold water, peel, cut lengthwise into 2-3 parts, then across into pieces of 3-5 cm, soak in cold water to remove bitterness, air dry for 2-3 days, then in dryers, ovens, ovens at a temperature of 45-60°C. Dried rhizomes grind into flour or groats. Mix cinquefoil flour with rye flour (1: 1) and use for baking bread, cakes, gingerbread.

Potentilla and sorrel salad.

Rinse young leaves of Potentilla (150 g), Sorrel (50 g) and green onions (25 g), chop, salt, add vinegar, mix, season with sour cream (20 g) and sprinkle with dill.

Shchi green with cinquefoil.

Cook in the same way as green cabbage soup with nettles.

Fried rhizomes of Potentilla.

Boil washed rhizomes (200 g) in salted water for 20 minutes, then fry in fat (120 g) for 20 minutes along with potatoes (500 g), add browned onions (200 g), salt and sprinkle with dill.

Potentilla puree.

Rinse leaves and rhizomes (you can use only leaves), pass through a meat grinder, add salt, vinegar, pepper and mix. Store in a closed glass container. Use as a seasoning for meat, fish and cereal dishes, as well as dressing soups and cabbage soup.

Cakes from rhizomes of Potentilla.

Wash thickened rhizomes in cold water, dry, grind into flour. Dilute the flour with milk or warm water to a pasty consistency. Bake cakes on heated stones, turning over so as not to burn.

Boiled rhizomes of Potentilla.

Wash the rhizomes and boil. Serve with butter or sour cream. Salt – to taste.

Seasoning from the rhizomes of the cinquefoil.

Grind dried rhizomes. Store in glass jars. Use for spicy seasonings for meat and fish dishes.

Seasoning from cinquefoil leaves.

Grind dried young leaves. Use as a seasoning for meat, fish, cereal dishes.