Spike LAVENDER (Lavandula spica L.) Lavender inflorescences are used for medicinal purposes. Flowering branches are cut off 1-1.5 weeks after the start of flowering, tied into bunches, dried quickly and the flowers are separated from the stems. Essential oil (Oleum Lavandulae) is obtained from freshly harvested raw materials by steam distillation. The accumulation of oil in the inflorescences is directly dependent on the intensity of light and air temperature. The essential oil is an export item. Grass is also harvested.


Lavender flowers have diuretic, anticonvulsant and sedative effects. Lavender oil has antiseptic and bactericidal properties. In addition, lavender oil promotes active healing of wounds (especially chemical burns) with complete regeneration of epidermal cells. When it is taken, cranial blood pressure decreases, bronchospasm is relieved, intestinal tone increases, gastric acidity increases, and appetite improves.


flowers. In scientific medicine – in diseases of the kidneys, bladder and renal pelvis. In folk medicine, decoction and infusion (inside) – for cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders, as a gastric remedy, also for kidney stone disease and inflammation of the bladder; externally (in the form of baths) – with inflammation of the joints. In Poland, a decoction is used for neuralgic pains and inflammation of the middle ear. In France – as an anti-spasmodic, tonic nervous system and sedative. In Bulgaria, the infusion is used for migraine, neurasthenia, palpitations, pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Essential oil (externally) – for purulent wounds, skin diseases and neuralgia. Leaves. In Austria (collected before flowering) – as an anti-spastic, soothing and diluting bile remedy.


♦ Infusion of lavender flowers: 3 teaspoons of crushed raw materials are poured into 400 ml of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes, then filtered. The prepared dose is drunk in equal portions in one day. Marciderm (Marciderm) – see Rosemary officinalis . CONTRAINDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: lavender products are potent, so they should be taken under medical supervision.


Essential oil – in the production of perfumes and cosmetics, in alcoholic beverages (for aromatization), ceramics and paint and varnish industries. Flowers and oil are used as a spice in cooking. When smoking fish, dry lavender inflorescences, along with juniper berries, are added to smoldering sawdust. Fragrant is vinegar, infused on the flowers of the plant. In Italy, Spain, in the south of France, salads, sauces, mushroom, vegetable and fish soups, vegetable main dishes, fried and stewed lamb are seasoned with it. Dishes are sprinkled with lavender powder in the same way as pepper. In the United States, Chinese green tea, homemade drinks and vegetable salads are flavored with spice. In a number of countries it is part of herbal teas. In old cookbooks, lavender leaves were recommended to shift apples when urinating. It goes well with thyme, mint, lemon balm, sage. In everyday life, flowers serve as a deterrent against mosquitoes, mosquitoes and protect woolen products from moths. Honey plant, honey productivity is 150 kg/ha. Lavender honey has not only an excellent aroma, but also medicinal properties. Decorative. In the Crimea and the Caucasus, it is used for landscaping dry rocky places, creating borders. It is of great importance in the fight against soil erosion in Moldova and the Crimea. Cultivated in Moldova, the Caucasus, the Crimea, Central Asia. It is of great importance in the fight against soil erosion in Moldova and the Crimea. Cultivated in Moldova, the Caucasus, the Crimea, Central Asia. It is of great importance in the fight against soil erosion in Moldova and the Crimea. Cultivated in Moldova, the Caucasus, the Crimea, Central Asia.


Lavender plantations are best located on sandy or loamy fertile soils of southern exposure, well lit and protected from the northern cold winds. The plantation is laid for a period of use of 20-25 years. The plot is prepared for 1-2 years. The main goal of such a long preparation is complete cleansing of weeds. The best predecessors are perennial grasses, legumes, winter cereals and fodder for silage, which make it possible to cultivate the soil in a semi-fallow type. Seed propagation of lavender leads to the splitting of varieties and the loss of economically valuable traits. Therefore, the main method of reproduction is vegetative, cuttings of annual shoots during their relative dormancy. From queen cells, cuttings 8-10 cm long are planted in cold greenhouses or greenhouses with a feeding area of ​​4 × 5 cm. The best cutting period is October – November or March – April. Standard seedlings are dug up in October – November. Important conditions for the good development of lavender and its large yields are plantation tillage and fertilization. Soil cultivation begins with stubble peeling and plowing to a depth of 25-27 cm. In the second half of May of the next year, a semi-plantage is made to a depth of 45-50 cm. Manure is pre-applied – 30-40 t / ha and a full dose of mineral fertilizers. The best planting period is October November. To do this, use the LPM-4 lavender planter. The feeding area is 1 × 0.5 m, the root collar must be 4-5 cm below the soil level. Plant care includes: cutting inflorescences before flowering in the first 2 years and removing the remaining peduncles in subsequent years; timely loosening of the soil between rows and rows; application of mineral and organic fertilizers. After 6-7 years, the plants are rejuvenated by cutting off the above-ground mass at a level of 4-5 cm from the soil plane. Lavender is harvested during the period of mass flowering, when 50% of the flowers bloom on the plants. Peduncles 10-12 cm long are cut off. The yield of inflorescences is 2-3.5 t/ha. Lavender is little affected by diseases and damaged by pests. From diseases, the main harm is caused by septoria, from pests – cicadas. At present, such varieties of lavender as Record, Stepnaya, B-34, Krymchanka, Early are common. Lavender is little affected by diseases and damaged by pests. From diseases, the main harm is caused by septoria, from pests – cicadas. At present, such varieties of lavender as Record, Stepnaya, B-34, Krymchanka, Early are common. Lavender is little affected by diseases and damaged by pests. From diseases, the main harm is caused by septoria, from pests – cicadas. At present, such varieties of lavender as Record, Stepnaya, B-34, Krymchanka, Early are common.