Henbane black

Solanaceae – Solanaceae.

Parts Used: Leaves, herbs, rarely seeds.

Pharmacy name: henbane leaves – Hyoscyami folium (formerly: Folia Hyoscyami), henbane herb – Hyoscyami heiba (formerly: Heiba ​​Hyoscyami), henbane seeds – Hyoscyami semen (formerly: Semen Hyoscyami).

Botanical description.Plant 30-60 cm tall. The stem is covered with soft hairs, shaggy and sticky. The leaves are dirty green, ovate or oblong-ovate, with roughly cut teeth, the lower ones taper into a petiole, the upper ones are half-stemmed. Dirty yellow flowers practically sit on the stem. A flower with a bell-shaped calyx, with a dense network of veins on the petals. Blooms from June to October. Found in gardens and wastelands. Henbane is closely related to belladonna and dope. All three plants are very poisonous, so non-specialists should deal with bleached bleach or its products as little as possible. Unlike belladonna, whose berries are often poisoned by children, bleached poisoning is rare, since the whole plant looks unappetizing and smells intoxicating. The picture of poisoning resembles the narcotic effect that belladonna causes. First aid for poisoning is the same.

Active ingredients: hyosdiamine, scopolamine and related alkaloids.

Healing action and application. The appointment of drugs from henbane is not generally accepted: the content of active substances in the raw material fluctuates too much. Moreover, the time of collection has less effect on differences in the quality of raw materials than the place of collection (composition of soil and air). However, it will still be necessary in henbane products. With their help, they relieve spasms of the stomach and intestines, reduce senile trembling and anxiety. In addition, a rubbing agent is prepared from henbane – an oil that is successfully used by many doctors for severe pain.

Use in homeopathy. From whole fresh flowering plants, a homeopathic remedy Hyoscyamus is made, the initial tincture of which is taken in dilutions D 1 and D 1 for dry cough, sometimes in dilutions D4 and D6 for agitation, convulsions, delirium tremens, insomnia and diarrhea. The use in folk medicine has been greatly reduced due to the toxicity of henbane products. True, its fatty oil is still used for rheumatic pains. It is obtained by various methods. Of course, I do not give the recipe, so as not to encourage people to use the poisonous plant on their own.

Side effects. Overdose causes vomiting, dizziness, convulsions and can lead to death.