Ginseng real

Popular names: man-root, gift of the gods, root of life, stosil, panax ginseng.

GINSENG REAL (Panax ginseng CA Mey)Perennial herbaceous plant of the Araliaceae family (Araliaceae), up to 80 cm high, not often higher. Underground organs – rhizome and thickened main root. The root is taproot, oblong-cylindrical, traditionally with 2-6 thickened lateral branches (processes) and with thin skeletal roots (lobes), has a total length of 60 cm or more; the thickness of the main root is up to 3 cm. On the main and lateral roots, numerous very fragile seasonal suction roots develop in spring and die off by autumn, after the death of which characteristic nodule-shaped tubercles remain on the roots. The root is fleshy (contains up to 75% water), fragrant, grayish-yellow on the cut. The rhizome of wild plants is traditionally thin, up to 10 cm long or more, with clearly defined, spirally arranged scars, which are formed annually when the above-ground shoots die off. The annual growth of the root is about 1 g or a little more. The aboveground shoot is traditionally solitary; plants with many stems are much less common – with 2 (sometimes up to 6-7) shoots. The stem is straight, thin, cylindrical, green or brown-red, glabrous, hollow inside. Leaves in young plants 1-2, in adults 4-5 (rarely up to 7); they are long-petiolate, traditionally five-fingered-complex, up to 40 cm long, located in a rosette at the top of the stem. Leaf petioles with a purple-red tint. In mature plants, a peduncle up to 25 cm high with one simple umbrella develops from the center of the leaf rosette; below it, there are not often smaller lateral umbrellas. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, with a white corolla. The fruit is a bright red, lower, traditionally 2-seed, often single-seed, not often three-seed drupe. Blooms in July fruits ripen in August – September. Propagated only by seeds. Seeds germinate only after 18-22 months after autumn sowing (part of the seeds only in the 3rd or 4th year), which is associated with the underdevelopment of the embryo in them. Lives up to 150 years. Wild ginseng grows in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, in the Primorsky Territory, also in Korea, China, Manchuria. It grows mainly in cedar-deciduous forests, sometimes with an admixture of fir and spruce, less often in oak or hornbeam forests with an admixture of aspen, maple, ash and linden. Prefers loose, humus-rich, moderately moist soils. It does not tolerate direct sunlight and therefore is never found in open places. The first written mention of this plant is noted in the oldest Chinese work on the healing properties of Shennong-bencao, dating back to the 1st century BC. e., although in eastern folk medicine it has been used for at least 4-5 thousand years. And there was no more legendary plant in the history of all medicine. He was credited with the property not only to heal all diseases, but also to instill life in a dying person. The people called it the “root of life”, “miracle of the world”, “strike of immortality” and other equally loud names. The extraordinary glory of the plant gave rise to a real “ginseng fever” and became the cause of many tragedies and crimes. In 1709, Emperor Kan-Hi introduced an absolute monopoly on ginseng harvesting. Searches, extraction of a medicinal root were strictly scheduled. Pickers who received special permission went to the taiga under guard. Only at the edge of the forest was each determined the place of search and the place of exit from the taiga. For a strictly designated search time, the necessary supply of food was issued. forests of China, in which ginseng was harvested for thousands of years, were depleted, therefore, from the middle of the 19th century, the Ussuri region became the most productive place for extracting the root. Natural ginseng roots weighing 100-200 g are not very common. In 1981, an unusually large ginseng root was found in China. Its weight was 500 g, and the length of the process was 65 cm. This root had many branches and pearl growths, which make it especially valuable. An even rarer specimen was found in 1905 in Manchuria during the construction of a railway. The age of this plant was 200 years old, and its root weighed 600 g. The root was sold in Shanghai for 5 thousand dollars, which was only half of its true value. For the first time, ginseng was brought to Russia (it was brought by a Russian envoy at the court of the Chinese emperor, boyar N. G. . Sapphire) came in 1675 from China. were depleted, therefore, from the middle of the 19th century, the Ussuri region became the most productive place for extracting the root. Natural ginseng roots weighing 100-200 g are not very common. In 1981, an unusually large ginseng root was found in China. Its weight was 500 g, and the length of the process was 65 cm. This root had many branches and pearl growths, which make it especially valuable. An even rarer specimen was found in 1905 in Manchuria during the construction of a railway. The age of this plant was 200 years old, and its root weighed 600 g. The root was sold in Shanghai for 5 thousand dollars, which was only half of its true value. For the first time, ginseng was brought to Russia (it was brought by a Russian envoy at the court of the Chinese emperor, boyar N. G. . Sapphire) came in 1675 from China. were depleted, therefore, from the middle of the 19th century, the Ussuri region became the most productive place for extracting the root. Natural ginseng roots weighing 100-200 g are not very common. In 1981, an unusually large ginseng root was found in China. Its weight was 500 g, and the length of the process was 65 cm. This root had many branches and pearl growths, which make it especially valuable. An even rarer specimen was found in 1905 in Manchuria during the construction of a railway. The age of this plant was 200 years old, and its root weighed 600 g. The root was sold in Shanghai for 5 thousand dollars, which was only half of its true value. For the first time, ginseng was brought to Russia (it was brought by a Russian envoy at the court of the Chinese emperor, boyar N. G. . Sapphire) came in 1675 from China. therefore, since the middle of the 19th century, the Ussuri region has become the most productive place for extracting the root. Natural ginseng roots weighing 100-200 g are not very common. In 1981, an unusually large ginseng root was found in China. Its weight was 500 g, and the length of the process was 65 cm. This root had many branches and pearl growths, which make it especially valuable. An even rarer specimen was found in 1905 in Manchuria during the construction of a railway. The age of this plant was 200 years old, and its root weighed 600 g. The root was sold in Shanghai for 5 thousand dollars, which was only half of its true value. For the first time, ginseng was brought to Russia (it was brought by a Russian envoy at the court of the Chinese emperor, boyar N. G. . Sapphire) came in 1675 from China. therefore, since the middle of the 19th century, the Ussuri region has become the most productive place for extracting the root. Natural ginseng roots weighing 100-200 g are not very common. In 1981, an unusually large ginseng root was found in China. Its weight was 500 g, and the length of the process was 65 cm. This root had many branches and pearl growths, which make it especially valuable. An even rarer specimen was found in 1905 in Manchuria during the construction of a railway. The age of this plant was 200 years old, and its root weighed 600 g. The root was sold in Shanghai for 5 thousand dollars, which was only half of its true value. For the first time, ginseng was brought to Russia (it was brought by a Russian envoy at the court of the Chinese emperor, boyar N. G. . Sapphire) came in 1675 from China. Natural ginseng roots weighing 100-200 g are not very common. In 1981, an unusually large ginseng root was found in China. Its weight was 500 g, and the length of the process was 65 cm. This root had many branches and pearl growths, which make it especially valuable. An even rarer specimen was found in 1905 in Manchuria during the construction of a railway. The age of this plant was 200 years old, and its root weighed 600 g. The root was sold in Shanghai for 5 thousand dollars, which was only half of its true value. For the first time, ginseng was brought to Russia (it was brought by a Russian envoy at the court of the Chinese emperor, boyar N. G. . Sapphire) came in 1675 from China. Natural ginseng roots weighing 100-200 g are not very common. In 1981, an unusually large ginseng root was found in China. Its weight was 500 g, and the length of the process was 65 cm. This root had many branches and pearl growths, which make it especially valuable. An even rarer specimen was found in 1905 in Manchuria during the construction of a railway. The age of this plant was 200 years old, and its root weighed 600 g. The root was sold in Shanghai for 5 thousand dollars, which was only half of its true value. For the first time, ginseng was brought to Russia (it was brought by a Russian envoy at the court of the Chinese emperor, boyar N. G. . Sapphire) came in 1675 from China. and the length of the process is 65 cm. This root had many branches and pearl growths, which make it especially valuable. An even rarer specimen was found in 1905 in Manchuria during the construction of a railway. The age of this plant was 200 years old, and its root weighed 600 g. The root was sold in Shanghai for 5 thousand dollars, which was only half of its true value. For the first time, ginseng was brought to Russia (it was brought by a Russian envoy at the court of the Chinese emperor, boyar N. G. . Sapphire) came in 1675 from China. and the length of the process is 65 cm. This root had many branches and pearl growths, which make it especially valuable. An even rarer specimen was found in 1905 in Manchuria during the construction of a railway. The age of this plant was 200 years old, and its root weighed 600 g. The root was sold in Shanghai for 5 thousand dollars, which was only half of its true value. For the first time, ginseng was brought to Russia (it was brought by a Russian envoy at the court of the Chinese emperor, boyar N. G. . Sapphire) came in 1675 from China.


For medicinal purposes, ginseng roots are used (of particular interest is the root, which in appearance resembles a human figure) (Radix Ginseng). When harvesting the roots (in September), the above-ground shoots are first cut off, then the roots are carefully dug up with garden pitchforks and shaken off the ground; in the process of subsequent sorting (for healthy, diseased, damaged and underdeveloped), the roots are thoroughly cleaned from the soil. Commercial maturity of the roots of wild plants begins after 25-30 years of ginseng life. In culture, the roots are dug up at the age of 5-8. The average weight of 6-7-year-old ginseng roots is 40-60 g. The plant is listed in the Red Book of the RSFSR, therefore, wild-growing ginseng is harvested only under licenses. The dug roots are kept over steam heated to 80 ° C water for an hour and dried in the shade for at least one – 2 months, until they are completely firm, light brown in color. These roots are called red. They can be stored for many years. The smell of raw materials is weak, specific, the taste is bittersweet.


The plant has a tonic, analgesic effect, stimulates the cerebral cortex, subcortical centers, tissue respiration, oxidative processes, increases efficiency, relieves fatigue, has adaptogenic and immunostimulating properties, promotes bile secretion, increases the amplitude of heart contractions, gas exchange in the lungs, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, promotes lowering blood sugar (the action of ginsenin glycoside), increases the function of the endocrine system, normalizes blood pressure.


Roots. Tincture – with reduced work capacity, physical and mental fatigue, overwork, neurosis, neurasthenia, insomnia, migraine, functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, lungs, rheumatism, diabetes, impotence, exhaustion, in consequences of severe infectious diseases. A biotechnological product was created from cell culture, which is not inferior to traditional ginseng products.


Ginseng tincture (Tinctura Ginsengi) is a clear yellow liquid prepared in 70% ethyl alcohol (1:10). Take 15-25 drops 3 times every day before meals. Powder (or tablets) take 0.15-0.30 g 3 times every day before meals. Take tincture and powder in courses of 30-40 days, after which they do break.♦ Ginseng tincture: 40-50 g of the root is poured with cold sweet boiled water. After 3-4 hours, the water is drained, the root is cut into pieces, 500 ml of 40% alcohol is poured and infused in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take 10 ml 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals without drinking anything. Within 2 weeks, the tincture is topped up every day to the original volume. The course of treatment is 90 days with two breaks of 10 days each. The course is repeated in a year. Ginseng has a clearly expressed seasonality of action. Taking it in autumn and winter is most effective. At other times, it will be necessary to take it in smaller doses. CONTRAINDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: It is not recommended to take ginseng products in case of hypertension, especially during the summer heat, acute infectious diseases and other acute pathologies. For many sick people, the use of ginseng is contraindicated in spring and summer. When treating with ginseng, it will be necessary to completely exclude the use of alcoholic beverages. The use of ginseng in recommended doses is traditionally not accompanied by side effects, however, the intake of products can cause some discomfort, nausea and vomiting, increased blood pressure, and headache. Stopping the drug or reducing its dose leads to the disappearance of side effects. The phenomena of intoxication were observed in people after taking 200 ml of tincture or eating a whole root of medium size. Ginseng poisoning is characterized by a rash on the body, dizziness, headache, and an increase in body temperature.


In culture, ginseng develops faster than in nature, and forms a more powerful root. The time of cultivation of commercial roots is traditionally 6-7 years. The plot, soil and fertilizers for ginseng are prepared in advance (1.5-2 years before planting seedlings). Select virgin (forest), fallow or tinned areas with well-drained sandy or loamy fertile soil. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water, but is sensitive to drought, so the soil must be kept moist. For the development of ginseng, slightly acidic (pH 5.2-6.5) soils with a high content of humus (6-10%) are most favorable. The basis of the soil should be manure and leaf humus, peat chips, forest land, rotted sawdust, coal slag, coarse sand and other components. Ginseng is shade tolerant. It does not tolerate open sunny places, therefore it is grown under artificial shading or under the canopy of a tree. To germinate seeds in the first spring, after their collection, an 8-month 2-stage stratification is carried out at a variable temperature with their preliminary disinfection with foundationazole or potassium permanganate. Sowing of stratified seeds in the nursery is carried out manually in late April – early May to a depth of 3-4 cm with a feeding area of ​​6 × 4 or 4 × 4 cm in grooves or depressions made with a marker. In early September, 2-3 weeks before planting seedlings (1-2-year-old roots) additionally add 10-12 kg of potassium chloride per 1 m For seed germination in the first spring after their collection, an 8-month 2-stage stratification is carried out at a variable temperature with their preliminary disinfection with foundationazole or potassium permanganate. Sowing of stratified seeds in the nursery is carried out manually in late April – early May to a depth of 3-4 cm with a feeding area of ​​6 × 4 or 4 × 4 cm in grooves or depressions made with a marker. In early September, 2-3 weeks before planting seedlings (1-2-year-old roots) additionally add 10-12 kg of potassium chloride per 1 m For seed germination in the first spring after their collection, an 8-month 2-stage stratification is carried out at a variable temperature with their preliminary disinfection with foundationazole or potassium permanganate. Sowing of stratified seeds in the nursery is carried out manually in late April – early May to a depth of 3-4 cm with a feeding area of ​​6 × 4 or 4 × 4 cm in grooves or depressions made with a marker. In early September, 2-3 weeks before planting seedlings (1-2-year-old roots) additionally add 10-12 kg of potassium chloride per 1 m2. Given its susceptibility to high nitrate content in the soil, large doses of nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied, as this contributes to plant damage by diseases. Planting grown 1-2-year-old roots on prepared plantations is carried out in late September – early October, providing each seedling with a feeding area of ​​20 × 25 or 20 × 20 cm. The survival rate of seedlings is traditionally 80-90%. The ridges are cut in the direction from east to west, 25-30 cm high, 90-100 cm wide. Seedlings from nurseries are dug carefully so as not to damage even the smallest roots and wintering buds. Damaged, underdeveloped (less than 0.3 g) and diseased roots are thrown away. The remaining 10 minutes are disinfected with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, carefully straightened and embedded in the soil at an angle of 45 °. Make sure that the heads of the roots with the buds are at a depth of 4-5 cm. The soil is slightly compacted, mulched with fresh sawdust, sawdust or leaf humus with a layer of 2-3 cm. Spring plantings are watered, autumn plantings are additionally insulated with dry sawdust or leaves with a layer of 5-7 cm. In nurseries and plantations, shading structures that protect ginseng from direct sunlight ( and during periods of rain also from waterlogging), set before the emergence of shoots and above-ground shoots – in the first half of May. Above each ridge, shed canopies on wooden frames are installed: the height of the columns is 0.7-0.8 m on the south side of the ridge and 1.4 m on the north. Shading shields (plank, slate, fiberglass, fabric, etc.) are fixed on the frame. Peaks are made along the edges of the shields to protect the edges of the ridges from the sun. At the end of the growing season, before the onset of cold weather, soil moisture must be higher than traditional, and shading should be increased by 2 times. In order not to damage the wintering buds, dry stems are cut at a height of 2-3 cm above the soil level. Ginseng grows well at a temperature of 18 ° C and a relative humidity of 75-85%. Caring for it consists in loosening the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm, removing weeds and hilling. Plants are watered on hot and dry days, and during flowering and fruiting – every day. During the growing season, mineral supplements are given 3 times with a 0.1-0.2% solution of complex or mixed fertilizers at the rate of 2-3 liters per 1 m Plants are watered on hot and dry days, and during flowering and fruiting – every day. During the growing season, mineral supplements are given 3 times with a 0.1-0.2% solution of complex or mixed fertilizers at the rate of 2-3 liters per 1 m Plants are watered on hot and dry days, and during flowering and fruiting – every day. During the growing season, mineral supplements are given 3 times with a 0.1-0.2% solution of complex or mixed fertilizers at the rate of 2-3 liters per 1 m2 . To protect against diseases, plants are sprayed 6-8 times during the growing season with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. The first treatment is done when the leaves are deployed, carefully spraying them from 2 sides with a 0.5% solution. The seeds are harvested in August, when the fruits become bright red in color. They are separated from the pulp, wiped on a sieve, washed many times with water, squeezed and dried in the shade for 1 day. Overdried seeds lose their germination, so they are stored in slightly damp sand.


Porridge-puree from ginseng roots.

Wash the fresh root, cut into pieces, grind, turning into gruel. Serve separately (1/3-1/4 teaspoon) or mix with natural juices, jelly, jelly. Eat slowly – 10-15 minutes.