Norway spruce

Common names: Christmas tree.

Norway Spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst., Picea excelsa Link.]Tree of the pine family (Pinaceae), up to 35 (50) m in height, with a cone-shaped crown and dark green tetrahedral needles. The trunk diameter can reach 1 m. The bark is gray, exfoliating from old trees with thin scales; the branches are somewhat drooping. Male strobili (inflorescences) – from anthers collected together, are located in the lower half of the crown, female strobili – in the upper, closer to the top. Mature cones are large, hanging down; seeds are dark brown with lionfish. Blossoms in May, seeds ripen in autumn, dissipate at the end of the winter of the following year. Harvest years are repeated every 4-5 years. In other years, fruiting is either absent or very small. At a young age, spruce grows slowly, after 10 years the growth rate increases sharply; growth in height falls at the age of 100-120 years. Lives up to 250-300 (600) years. European look. It grows on fertile loamy and sandy soils, forming spruce forests. One of the oldest trees in our forests. Its origin dates back to the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era. The custom of decorating spruce on New Year’s Day came to us from Germany. The tradition was borrowed under Peter I at the end of the 17th century. Among the Germans, it is very ancient, from pagan times, and is associated with the cult of this tree, which personified the mighty “spirit of the forest.” Later, the custom was adopted by the Christian religion and timed to coincide with the celebration of Christmas. and is associated with the cult of this tree, which personified the mighty “spirit of the forest.” Later, the custom was adopted by the Christian religion and timed to coincide with the celebration of Christmas. and is associated with the cult of this tree, which personified the mighty “spirit of the forest.” Later, the custom was adopted by the Christian religion and timed to coincide with the celebration of Christmas.


For medicinal purposes, young tops of branches with buds are used (collected in early spring, cut off at the base, dried in the shade), immature seed cones (collected in June – September), resin and turpentine.


An infusion of spruce buds and cones has antimicrobial, antispasmodic and desensitizing properties. Active ingredients – essential oil and tannins. Needles – a source of ascorbic acid, carotene and chlorophyll – have the ability to regulate metabolism, improve hematopoiesis, have a diuretic and bactericidal effect.


Needles. In practical medicine, the product “Pinabin” is used in nephrolithiasis as a bacteriostatic and antispasmodic agent. Needles – with atherosclerosis, fungal diseases. Coniferous extract (in the form of baths) – with functional disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system (with all kinds of neuroses, neurasthenia, radiculitis, plexitis, neuritis), with overwork, weakening of muscle tone, with polyarthritis, also with hypertension stage I and II. Needles , shoots and cones (young). In folk medicine, a decoction is used as an antiscorbutic, diaphoretic, choleretic and diuretic. Kidneys. In folk medicine, tincture – for sore throat, rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. Broth – with catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, edema of renal and cardiac origin, rheumatism. Spruce buds are part of breast fees. Cones. In medical practice, an infusion is allowed (in the form of inhalations and rinses), which is used for sore throats, catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis (with a cold), also for chronic inflammation of the lungs, attacks of bronchial asthma and for prevention childhood infections. Resin. Ointment (equal parts of spruce resin, wax, honey and sunflower oil heated on fire) – for abrasions, abscesses, ulcers, cuts. also for chronic inflammation of the lungs, attacks of bronchial asthma and for the prevention of childhood infections. Resin. Ointment (equal parts of spruce resin, wax, honey and sunflower oil heated on fire) – for abrasions, abscesses, ulcers, cuts. also for chronic inflammation of the lungs, attacks of bronchial asthma and for the prevention of childhood infections. Resin. Ointment (equal parts of spruce resin, wax, honey and sunflower oil heated on fire) – for abrasions, abscesses, ulcers, cuts.


Coniferous extract is prepared from the coniferous foot of spruce or pine by extracting extractive substances with water with the addition of essential coniferous oil. To prepare a bath for 200 liters of water, take 100 g of the extract. The water temperature is not higher than 35-37°C, the duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. The infusion of spruce cones is prepared from crushed raw materials at the rate of 1:5. Raw materials are poured with boiled water, boiled for 30 minutes, stirring, infused for 15 minutes, then filtered through 3 layers of gauze. A brown liquid, astringent taste, with the smell of pine needles is obtained. The finished infusion is stored in a dark container in a cool place protected from light for no more than 3 days. For inhalations, an infusion heated to 60-80 ° C is used in a volume of 20-30 ml per procedure for adults. Rinsing (heat the solution to 35-40 ° C) – for sore throat, tonsillitis and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract 2-4 times every day, with sinusitis, the maxillary cavities are washed with infusion. An infusion heated to body temperature is instilled 5-10 drops into each nostril for rhinitis. Vitamin infusion: the needles are rubbed in a mortar with a small amount of cold boiled water, then poured with boiled water (in a ratio of 1:10), acidified with lemon or citric acid, boiled for 20-30 minutes, insist 2-3 hours, then filter. Taken as an antiscorbutic and general tonic, 1/4-1/2 cup every day after eating. Pinabinum (Pinabinum) – 50% solution of essential oils (obtained from spruce needles) in peach oil. Used as an antispasmodic and bacteriostatic agent for urolithiasis, 5 drops per sugar 3 times every day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4-5 weeks. With renal colic, take a single dose of 20 drops per sugar. Produced in orange glass bottles of 25 ml. Sometimes taking the product causes side effects (irritation of the digestive tract, general depression). CONTRAINDICATED in nephritis and nephrosis.


Wood is used in the production of building materials (particle boards, shingles, shingles and roofing, parquet, etc.). From selected produce musical instruments. Resin, turpentine, rosin, tar, cellulose are obtained. Used to make paper. The bark is used for tanning leather in industry. The fatty oil of the seeds is used in the manufacture of varnishes. From spruce needles, a chlorophyll-carotene paste containing chlorophyll, phytoncides and vitamins is obtained, which is used as a feed additive in animal husbandry.